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Next Day

Dave drives it to Emilies home, he gets in neighbourhood. He closes exhaust valves to not wake up anyone. Then he thinks he had not texted, probably she keeps sleeping. He thinks about how couple days ago She recognised her exhaust cracle. He thinks: what if he will make it again? Then he thinks, neighbourhood does not deserve it.

Actually Emilie woke up before the alarm clock to check out her phone, if Dave texted "good morning". But she sees nothing. She gets out of the bed, and again, she feels a weird weakness. She had not doubt that, cause she is kinda happy. She gets a shower, takes her clothes on, does a make up to cover her pale skin again. And walks down to hall, sees her mom prepearing breakfast again. Actually her mom is doing it everyday with a hope if they will have a breakfast together with her daughter but till this day Emilie had not got out of bed till last minutes of school busses arriving. But this day is different. She finely feels that everything is fine. So she says by walking into hall with excited voice:

- Good morning!

Rose looks to her smiles and says:

- Buongiorno señora. Last time I have seen you this happy....(stops for a second and goes) oh wait! I had not saw you this happy!

Emilie makes a surprised face and says:

- Ok! Actually I wanted to make an argument. But you better know.

Emilie looks to table sees a plate of waffle with chocolate chips and a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and says:

- Wait! These callories! At the breakfast? Mom! Do you want to make me fat?

Rose laughs and says by rubbing her cheeks:

- I like to rub your cheeks when you put on some, and its cold here. Its good to gain some.

Emilie takes her fork and knife to eat her waffle. Cuts a piece of that, after that one piece she drops that knife and fork, grabs the waffles with ger hand by saying "ahh, I'm at home, I can wash my hands after, and nobody sees me!" Starts to eat with her hands. Looks to her mom and sees how her mom looks to her after her 'nobody sees me' words. And she says:

- Don't look at me like that, I know you like it but, just dont!

Rose laughs and says:

- Ok ok, (keeps having her own stuff, like washing dishes) just had some flashbacks from your childhood.

Emillie stopped to drink her hot chocolate and she says with her chocolate covered lips:

- Mom! Stop it!!!

Then Rose looks to her, sees her chocolate covered face, her eyes got a bit teary, she wipes those tears, and says by grabbing her underjaw:

- You better go and clean all this mess my lil baby.

Emilie looks to her mom at that moment with a look full of love, then she goes to wash her face at the kitchen. And Rose yells:

- Hey! It's not bath!

Emilie turns to her mom and wipes her face to Roses clothes (writer: I know I told that I said that she made a make up but IDC. I want it to be like this.).

Her mom laughs over loud and says by hugging her:

- You are a naughty todler!

Then she takes her backpack and gets out. Out there she sees school bus and Daves car parked behind the school bus and Dave standing in front of his cars front wheel and smiles. Emilie got kinda surprised but she also expected that. Her mom is also smiled turned to her daughter kissed her and says:

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