In One Take

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Next Day

At about noon Mike arrives first, gets inside and sees Dave there on couch having a nap so he is trying to be quiet, he looks to monitor of computer and sees that recording program is on. He checks out the files and gets shocked with what he sees. Dave recorded everything except lead vocals in one night.

After about an hour other members also arrive. Chris sees the plan with every box crossed except lead vocals and gets mad. He was about to wake Dave up but Mike pulls him to monitor, shows him channels all recorded, then gives him headphones to let him hear those songs.

Liam and Sally didn't understand what is going on. After a while Chris drops headphones on table and Dave woke up with that sound. Chris looks to Dave, says with no facial expressions:

- How, and why you did this?

Dave smiles and says:

- I saved us a lot of time.

Liam finely asks with mad voice:

- What the hell is going on.

Chris says:

- This kid recorded the entire album in one night.

Sally goes:

- But how did you recorded drums?

Dave smiles and says:

- Some sections I played, some sections I programmed.

Liam goes:

- I knew that theres something messed up with you, but I couldn't even imagine that you are this psycho. (Dave laughs, Liam turns to Chris) Dude, I think we are done but you have some vocals to record.

Chris also smiles, looks to Dave and goes:

- Why you had not recorded my parts too?

Dave says:

- If could copy your powerfull voice.

They all laugh. Non of them leave, even Dave didn't go home despite his lack of sleep. Chris starts to record his vocals for whole day. And with every record Mike has a vibe and goes:

- Guys I see minimum five awards for this album.

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