Ain't W.A.N.S Anymore

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Chapter 4
Back in Los Angeles
(Let it go by the flow)

Next Day

Jeff wakes up when they arrive to town, looks to time and says:

- You better drive me to stadium.

Dave says:

- Are you sure, you are probably tired.

Jeff says:

- I already missed yesterdays training. Coach is mad enaugh to me, I guess.

Dave says nothing and just drives him there.

After Dave drops him at stadium Jeff says:

- Now go home and also have some sleep.

Dave nods. Jeff gets in. Dave thinks a little bit, then takes his phone, looks at Sallys number, takes a deep breath and calls her. Her phone is closed, so Dave drives to her house.

He arrives to Sallys house, Rings the doorbell. Sally opens the door immediately with her makeup smeared all over her face because of tears. Dave got shocked with what he sees. Dave is in bad condition but he sees that Sally is in much worse condition. Sally starts to cry again, hugs him immediately by saying:

- Thank god you are alive!

Dave doesn't know what to do, so he goes:

- Hey, girl, chill, it's ok. You are not alone, and not going to be. You have Us, you have Jarred, (with a little bit playfull voice) most importantly you have grannie Lucy.

Sally keeps hugging and crying. Then Dave goes:

- I think it's my luck that you don't love me.

Sally looks at him with confused face, so Dave goes:

- God had not took me from you, so you probably don't love me.

Sally suddenly laughs and goes:

- How stupid you are! (Stops a bit, looks to his eyes) Look, do you remember what I said?

Dave ask:

- What?

Sally keeps going:

- Of course its not easy but you don't have to die with people who passed away.

Dave smiles and says:

- Wise words, but seems like you are not good at that?

Sally goes:

- No! It's diff....

Dave suddenly interrupts her by kissing her. Sally got shocked so she pushes him away and says:

- Hey! You can't think clearly right now. You might regret about this later.

Dave got amazed that she still thinks about his psychology, looks at her eyes and says:

- Now I'm sure that I would not regret.

And he kisses her by the french way. Sally totally surrendered. Even it was by tragic way, but still Sally finelly got what she wanted.

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