W.A.N.S. Again

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Chapter 3 (Back in Aspen)

Two Weeks Later (Prom Night)

In Aspen Emilie couldn't feel happy that she overcame that sickness. Of course Rose organised even a party for that but still Emilie is like she was at first days in Aspen again. She got a lot of invitations for upcoming prom but she declined every of those. Jamie tried so hard to convince her to come at least with her and Trevor alone just to have fun, and she said that she doesn't promise but may be she would.

At the prom day Emilie did nothing but having icecream and cookies while watching cartoons all day long again.

After a while Rose arrived and says after she came in:

- Honey? Are you ready for prom?

Emilie goes:

- Hey mom, I dont really want to go.

Rose asks:

- Why you talk like that?

Emilie says:

- I dunno... I don't really think that I would like to be there.

Rose sits next to her, hugs and says:

- Honey, this thing is happening once a year, and you will experience this for the last time next year. You better let the things happen what supposed to happen. You would never be 16 again.

At that moment Jamie calls:

- Hey girl! Are you ready?

Emilie says:

- Girl I don't really wa........

Jamie interrupts her:

- No no no! I dont accept any excuses. Now go and dress up. But just wanted to say that we have an issue with Trevors car, so one of his friends will pick you up.

Emilie says:

- Look even universe doesn't want me to come to that place.

Jamie says again with angrier voice:

- Get you ass up!!!

And she hangs down. Emilie looks to her mother, Rose just smiles to her and goes to her room. So Emilie reluctantly went to her room. She takes her red satin dress that Rose bought for prom, sits to her bed, looks to her dress and dips to thoughts.

Meanwhile Dave was about to arrive. At last corner he stops, smiles, then puts the car in race mode again to open up the exhaust valves and floors it, hits the revs stright to rev limmiter.

When Emilie kept looking to her dress she heard that exhaust sound and instantly racognised. She thinks "No way!". Then Dave pulls over and stops the engine. Emilie walks slowly to window, looks out, and she sees there Dave leaning to front right fender of his Giulia. Dave got extremely happy to see her. Dave waves to her. Emilie closes the curtain instantly, she laughs shortly. Then she looks out again, so Dave waves again. This time Emilie waves slowly too. Then Emilie runs down, but before she got out she calms down. She gets out and slowly aproaches Dave with a smile. He is not looking like he was on stage or at album cover. He is shaved and he is with untied hair again, like he was in Aspen. He wears a suit with a red satin tie. And then she says by looking to his eyes:

- Stone! What an unexpected surprise!

Dave smiles and says:

- I prefer Wans.

Emilie laughs and goes:

- I thought that you dont like that.

Dave says:

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