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Next Day

Next day Emilie wakes up with alarm clock, goes to bath to take a shower, stands in front of morror and notices that she feel a little bit worse than yesterday morning, not that bad but still... She makes her routine and makes it to school by school bus again as always.

In the school at the break of first class Emilie and Jamie are getting out to coridore for next class, Jamie with excited voice asks Emilie on the way:

- Hey girl, what happened last night?

Emilie says:

- Oh girl, dont even ask (stops for a second, and then she goes). Wait! you probably know what happened, so why you are asking the thing you know?

Jamie laughs and says:

- Noo! What do you mean? How can I know...

At that momen Dave comes and says:

-Hey girls, about why are arguing here?

Jamie says by not letting Emilie say even a word:

- She doesn't want to tell me what happened last night.

Dave also smiles and says:

- Ah, nothing important. (Looks to Emilie and says) She just realized how small Aspen is.

Emilie smiles and was going to say something but a long curly haired blond guy with tattoos comes to them, puts his arm to Daves shoulder and says:

- Hey dude, hey girls, how are you doing?

Dave and girls got surprised and Dave says with low voice:

- Hey Jason, yea we are good, so how are you?...

Jason goes:

- Awesome! Wanted to ask you if you two are couple?

Dave looks to Emilie pretends like he is about to going to say something but actually he is not, and as he expected Emilie goes first:

- No! We are just friends, why everybody are asking us this.

Jason smiles and goes:

- So I see no obsticle to ask the name of this beauty (Emilie squinted her eyes, and Dave got so messed up.). Well, new girl, would you like to give me the opportunity of...

Emilie interrupts him by saying:

- Wait, what!? New girl? Really? Dude, Im here for almost two months now and I am still new girl?

Jason rises his hands and eyebows up and says:

- Wow wow! Chill girl! I dont know you yet thats why.

Dave says with mad voice and face:

- Jason! (Throws a meaningful look to Jason)

Emilie got so satisfied with what Dave did there, cause looks like Dave jealous. Jason asks again with guilty voice:

- Emmm, were you guys talking about something important here?

Dave answers immediately:

- Yes!

Emilie with also mad voice:

- Emilie, my name is Emilie.

Dave says to Jason:

- You got the name now?

Jason is like:

- Ok guys sorry, (looks to Emilie) may be I will come later.

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