Best One is the Worst One

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They released that song with Daves stage name Stone and named that "One More Time".

After single release they started summer tour again. A lots of hang outs with old friends from other bands again, parties, concerts, featuring at the stages, sneaking to stages at concerts of other bands and playing with them. Sallys rages with groupies at the festivals because of they are hanging out around Dave and try to seduce him. Dave doesn't care about those but Sally still goes insane. Almost at every festival Chris, Dave and Liam pulls Sally out of a fight. One time she even broke a whiskey bottle and chased a girl with that again. Dave grabbed her by saying and laughing:

- Stop braking bottles you lil monster!

Sally kept trying escape from Daves arms by shouting:

- Drop me down! I'm gonna tore that bitch up!

Meanwhile after about two weeks of release, fans noticed "One More Time" and started pop it up. Their label didn't even done any promotion for that song but in third week "One More Time" got more views and streams than Internal Combustions top song "Ready to Explode". And on youtube the song got so many possitive comments like:

- I hate Stone for not singing so far.

- The fact is songs can appear by anyway but the masterpieces need fucked up experiences to appear.

- This dudes soul cries!

- We only hear how he screams out the chorus, but this dude definitely has a louder scream in his head.

And all this hype also affects on audience during concers. The fans started to come to conserts with "One More Time" cardboards. Of course each member of the band noticed that but because of Dave was ignoring that the others also ignored that. At one concert after the last song crowd goes crazy! They start to chanting "One more time! One more time! One more time". So Dave goes:

- So lets do one more time.

And starts to play the opening of the last song they played. Chris looks at him with a disapointed smile. So they play last section of "Ready to Explode" one more time. Crowd goes crazy again, they started to yelling "Boooo!!!!". But Dave doesn't care about that, he just ignores that and got out of the stage after song.

At the next concert same thing happens again. Chris finally got stressed about that. Dave and rest of the band left the stage. Chris was also about to leave, but at the middle of the stairs he turns back to stage, goes and takes the microphone and talks:

- We really appreciate your passion, but this is a bussiness that has rules. One more time is a beatifull song I also love that song as much as you, but that song is registrated as Stones song, we are here as Internal Combustion so according to boring paper work and contracts we unfortunately cant perform that song on stage before Stone would make his own solo album and organize a tour.

Then crowd got kinda calmer. But then a dude in crowd goes:

- Bullshit! Every band does covers!

After that crowd starts to booing again and Chris hopelessly goes back to backstage. Because everyone knew the reason why Dave does not want to perform that song live, everyone knew who that song have been written for.

After festival season is over they also won couple awards with their album. Of course that have been noticed in show bussines sphere too. They got invited to a talk show, and there host starts to ask questions:

- So Chris, you guys litterally are back on top again. But why not as Outcast Overture anymore?

Chris goes:

- Yea we are hearing that question a lot. O.O. was a huge succes, but the time is changing everything is changing. But O.O. was good how it was, so we didn't want to let people think that O.O. has changed.

Host goes:

- So what is the story behind the name of "Internal Combustion"?

Chris goes:

- Well actually I also dont really know, this was the idea of Stone. So he would answer better this question I guess.

Dave goes:

- Oh no!!! (Laughs a little bit) Im not as good as Chris on talking but... The answer for this question is in our song "Ready to Explode". Everyone has that fire deep inside that they hide in different forms. For someone it's anger, for someone it's hate, for someone it's love. And all these are always keeping burning deep inside of us. It never comes out ant It makes us who we are at the moment.

The rest of the band are looking at him with impressed faces. Chris smiles and goes:

- This dude won't stop impress me... We also hear about this for the first time.

Everyone laugh and host goes:

- Well thats really impressive. And Stone next question is for you. How you found your nick? Is there a deep meaning behind Stone too?

Dave smiles and says:
- Rock music fans are rockers, so I wanted to call my fans as "Stoners".

Every body laugh and host says:

- I think you picked that nick just to maket that joke. So you released a single "One More Time".(Daves smile disapeared) A beatifull song. And even that one single exceeded all streaming numbers of top "Internal Combustion" song by 3 times. But why you dont perfom that song live in your concerts.

Chris thinks "holly shit!", and he tries to save the situation:

- I already explained the reason at a concert, some boring formal shit.

Host goes:

- Ah come on! Bands are doing short covers of other bands in concerts. And now you are telling that you guys cant perform a song that is copyrighted also with company that you are working with?

Dave got so upset about that so he goes with mad voice:

- What the hell is your purpose?

Host goes:

- Chill man... Just asking.

Dave takes his microphone off, smashes the transmitter to the floor and leaves the studio. Sally also stands up and runs behind him by sayin:

- Dave! Hold on!

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