It's slippery out here

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Next Day

At the breakfast time Rose says

- Honey, I have some stuff to do this morning so you will go to school by bus, but after school I will pick you up for therapy, Ok?

Emilie says while she eats her sanwich:

- Ok mom.

Rose kises her and says:

- Love you!

Emilie says the same and Rose goes out.

After about 10 minutes school bus arrives and she gets out. Sees Jamie inside how she looks to her with an excited smile and she also smiles to her. She gets in bus. On the way to school Jamie asks:

- Do you feel better today?

Emilie says:

- Of course! Pajama party was wild.

Jamie got that she does not want to talk about that day and she goes:

- So when we going to do that again?

Emilie smiles a little bit and says:

- As soon as possible.

Jamie says:

- Thats my girl.

They arrive to school, got out the bus. Also men from florida pulled over and started to watch how Emilie and Jamie were hangin out at the front yard. One of those men says to another:

- Algo está mal. Ella está triste. Y hace mucho que no la vemos con ese chico. (Something is wrong. She is sad. And we dont see her with that boy for a long time now)

Another asks:

- ¿Qué necesitamos hacer? ( What we need to do?)

Another looks around and says:

-Emilie podría reconocerme. Vas allí, le das a un niño cien dólares y le preguntas si sabe algo. (Emilie might recognize me. You go there, give to a kid hundred dollars and ask if they know something.)

Another gets out, walks it to front yard, sees a curly and ginger haired kid with glasses. Approaches him and says with spanish accent:

- Hey kid, wanna have hundred bucks as simple as possible?

Kid got scared at first of seeing a black dressed big hispanic man in front of himself and he goes with a scared voice:

- Depends on how will that be?

Man takes out hundred dollars from his pocket and says:

- See that brunette girl with brown coat right there?

Kid looks there and says:

- Yea I see.

Man asks:

- Do you know her?

Kid says:

- No, she is a new girl but I know her friend Jamie who stands with her.

Man got a bit disapointed but still asks:

- Do you ever seen that girl having a problem in school, cause she looks kinda sad, right?

Kid asks:

- Why are you so interested?

Man looks at him with a mad as hell look and kid says:

- Ah ok ok. I dont really know but that girl was so close with Dave from last grade, but for last two weeks they are not that close and that girl right there in blue coat also tries to make Dave fall in love with her.

At that moment Dave arrives, and Rachel immediately approaches and as always starts to drive him insane by trying to walk and talk with him when he walks fast and does not care about her, and Emilie was looking at them with a mad look. And kid says by showing to that man this situation:

- See sir? As I said...

Man nods and says:

- Understood.

The bell rings and kid asks:

- Sir, can I get my hundred dolars now? Because I need to go...

Man looks at that kid and says:

- You had not seen me and you dont know anything, ok?

Kid accepts by noding, man gives him the money. Kids get that and runs to school. Man also turns back and walk it to car. Gets in car and calls his boss immediately:

- Hola patron, tenemos un problema. (Hey boss, we have a problem)

Boss says:

- Hablar! (Talk!)

Man says:

- Aquí hay una chica que entristece a Emilie. (Here is a girl who makes Emilie sad)

Bos says:

- Buscar un auto diferente, decirles a Gabriel y Pablo que quiero un accidente automovilístico. (Find a different car, tell Gabriel and Pablo that I want a car accident.)

Man says:

- Si señor. (Yes sir)

After school, as always Rose arrives to pick Emilie up for Therapy. Emilie gets in car and they drive away. Dave in parking lot saw that again how Rose picks Emilie up for two weeks now and Emilie does not use the bus after school. He gets in car and drives away.

On the way home he kept thinking about possibilies: May be something wrong with her father, but and Emilie and mrs. Garcia would not let him do something. Or may be Mrs. Garcia does not want them to be together, but no, she is a honest person, she would tell if there's something wrong. The only possibily comes to his mind is if Emilie is not a person as he had know and she just tries to friendzone him.

It was snowing again, and at the main street when he was waiting at the red light he looks to sky, takes a deep breath and with green light does a U-turn and drives it to Independence Pass again. But at the city exit blue and red lights flashing in his mirrors and sheriff pulls him over. Sheriff walks to him, Dave rolls the window down and Sheriff goes:

- Good afternoon buddy! Where are going this time? As I know Your home at the other side of the town.

Dave takes a deep breath and says:

- Hello Sheriff, I was about to have a spontaneous ride.

Sheriff goes:

- Not this time bud, snow gets heavier, I'm about to close the road and this is Leos reaquest, for you it's an order.

Dave got disapointed and goes:

- But I got enough tools and could not...

Sheriff interrupts him and says with mad voice:

- If you disobey orders I will have to arrest you sir! (Dave got totally pissed off) Come on buddy, go home, it's for your wellness.

Dave accepts by noding, and Sheriff goes:

- Have a good day buddy, you are free to leave, but go home.

Dave does not roll up the window, putts the car in race mode, checks around, sees no car around and does a U-turn with powerslide. At that moment Sheriff shouts at him:

- Hey mister! Pull over, immediately!

Dave sticks out of the window and also yells:

- What?! It's slippery out here, car does this by itself.

After that Sheriff just gives up and smiles behind him by saying:

- Ah Leo... This toddler is pure you.

And Dave just drives it home hopelessly.

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