The Edge

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Next Day

Emilie wakes up before alarm clock again. She feels weaker this time but still she takes a shower, dresses up, does make up, walks down stairs to hall. Sees her mom prepearing some wafles. Says with excited voice:

- Goodies!!!

Rose smiles and also says:

- Buenos días mi corazón! (Good morning my heart). You can go and drop back your back pack to your room. You are not going to school today.

Emilies smile disapeard and she ask:

- Why is that?

Rose goes:

- We have to make it to hospital together.

Emilie goes with disapointed voice;

- Ok.

Rose goes to her room to take her clothes on, and Emilie texts to Dave instantly:

-Goodies, You better go to school directly today.

Dave texts back instantly:

- nope! Im coming.

Emilie smiles and texts:

- But Im not. We have some stuff to do with mom. I'll tell you later about.

Dave texts:

- Ah, ok...

At that moment Rose came back and says:

- Lets go...

They go out to get in the car.

At the doctors room doctor goes by looking to analyzes:

- Well, we checked these couple times last night also with my colleagues...

Rose interrupts the doctor, she got totally upset and she ask:

- Sir! What is going on?

Doctor Nolan takes a deep breath and says:

- It always was hard to say but all results we have shows us that Emilie has leukemia.

A tear just leaked down from Roses eye but Emilie asks with a bit confused voice:

- What is that?

Doctor goes:

- So sorry about that, but, you, my little girl, are at the beginin period of a blood cancer.

At that moment she felt like all the world just collapsed around her, she looks to her mom. Rose wiped her tears, takes a deep breath by trying to stay strong, and she asks:

- So you say that its an early diagnosis. When we are going to start chemotherapy or what ever we need to do for treatment?

Doctor says:

- Yea we will start the necessary treatments as soon as possible. I'll let you know about the details tomorrow.

In car on the way back home Rose just drives and says nothing. Emilie also does not tell a word, thinks for a while, gathers her courage and says:

- Mom, lets dont tell this to anybody ok?

Rose gets confused a little bit and she asks:

- Why is that?

Emilie goes:

- Mom please dont!!! Especially I dont want Dave to know this, I have to figure this situation out with him. There's no guarantee that I will overcome this shit with those treatments (Tries to hold her tears but tears are still comming out). He's been through enough loss.

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