Finally It's Time

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Band finelly got done with their tour after one and half months. They each made couple millions of dollars after tour. And when they all were hanging out to celebrate the succes of the album and the ending of the tour at some bar in Chicago. Henry looks to Chris and goes:

- Like good old days, ha?

Chris says:

- Yea dude, feels good to be back on stage.(Turns to Dave) So kid, how does that feel to jam in front of thousands of people?

Dave smiles and says:

- Weirdly insane.(Looks to Sally, smiles) But I think we can get used to it.

Dave and Sally got so close that after tour they started to spent almost everyday together. Dave liked her positive energy, but Sally liked him in general.

At some weekend, when they were hanging out again at Jeffs place and were working on some new song ideas Dave recieves a phonecall. Jamie is calling. Dave looks to Sally, stands up and goes out to poolside by saying:

- I'll be right back.

Dave goes out and picks it up. Sally watches him curiously. Dave talks for a while like it's a casual phone call, but then Daves face changes instantly. His face just got so numb, but then he looks down, rises his eyebows up and a tiny smile apears on his face. Then he hangs down. Turns to Sally, looks at her with same smile. So he walks to her. Sally had no idea about what is going on but still got so excited. Dave came to her, hugged her, picked her up and started to spinning around. Sally got so satisfied by that an she asks while laughing:

- What happened, you silly boy?

Dave finely drops her and says by looking to her eyes:

- She recovered. She overcame that shit.

Sally felt so weird. She kinda felt happy about her and Dave got this happy, but felt sad because they won't be this close ever again. So she tries to look glad and goes:

- Wow, so happy to hear that.

Dave turns back walks to window and says:

- Somebody needs to be invited to prom I guess.

Sally goes:

- She is going to be so happy.

Dave goes:

- She is going to freak out. You girls are interesting beings. She probably wants but would never call and tell me that she recovered.

Sally says:

- You are right!

Dave goes:

- Finelly it's time to record that one and only song.

Sally asks:

- What song?

Dave looks to her, smiles, says nothing. Then he grabs his phone and calls Mike:

- Hey dude, I need studio tonight!

Dave points Sally to come with him while talking to Mike. And Sally goes with him curiously.

He is going to record the song that Jeff found in his computer in a special folder.

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