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Next Day

They pull over at school with her mom again. Emilie asks:

- Do I have chemo session today?

Rose goes:

- No you have a break today. But if you want me to pick you up after school, I can do that.

Emilie goes:

- I dont know, how ever you want. Ok, love you.

Gives Rose a kiss and gets out. She finds Jamie at front yard with Trevor hugging each other. She kinda surprised with that, she comes to them and goes:

- Emm, good morning. Have I missed something?

Jamie goes:

- What?

Emilie asks:

- I mean, Are you guys....

Jamie interrupts her and goes:

- Yes! We are!

Trevor laughs, and Emilie asks:

- Glad to to hear that, but how and when.

Jamie goes:

- Girl you were too loaded for last two weeks so there wasn't a right moment to tell you about what is happening in my life.

Emilie goes:

- Yea girl, we need to redo that pajama party.

Jamie says:

- Exactly!

At that moment they hear bell and they all go to classes.

During physics class Dave comes to Emilies mind. She whispers to Jamie:

- What is our next class?

Jamie says:

- History.

Emilie says:

- Ah, ok.

After physics class when they were going to next class she tried to hear something from assembly hall but heard nothing. She saw Daves car at the parking lot this morning, but had not seen Dave at school yet. May be he also started to get prepeared to exams. So that means she can be alone at assembly hall during history class.

Break bell rings they get in class. After about 10 minutes she asks teacher to go out and walks it stright to hall. She gets in and sees no one there. She even loudly asks at dark hall "is anybody here?" just to be sure if Dave is there, but hall is totally empty. She walks it to piano, sits and gets ready to play something. At first she plays some random medies but all of those were at major scale. When she played a major chord she stops a bit at that chord, thinks a little bit, then plays the minor form of same chord and feels that this is exactly what she needs. She takes a deep breath and starts to improvise on minor scale. With every chord and melodie she plays she figures out that this thing becomes a pure ballad. After a while she stops and tears starting to flow out of her eyes again.

Suddenly Dave goes:

- When I was thinking about why you made a desicion like this, I thought may be your mother forced you, but mrs Garcia is not a person who would do that. And then I thought may be you have an issue with you father, but nobody can force you to do somothing or nobody can stop you if you are going to do something, we experienced that this weekend. And finally I figured out what is the problem.

Emilie had not startled when Dave suddenly started to talk behind her, she kinda expected that. She vipes her tears, turns to him, smiles and asks:

- Well, smart boy, tell me. What is the problem.

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