Intense Tempo

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Chris records his vocals for next three days. After they done all songs, the only thing left for release is mix and mastering. At the last day of record Henry also pulls up and makes a speach by rising a glass of champagne:

- Damn I love this guy! (Hits Daves shoulder) this was the quickest album record that I ever witnesed in my entire career. Well this means we can make release earlier.

And they al rise the glasses.

As Henry said, when Mike done the mix and mastering of "Ready to Explode" song. They released that single 3 day later. After that they had nothing to do until Henry will tell them their tour dates. So at that free time Dave does his school stuff like transfering his registration to a high school in L.A.

After Dave got free again Sally texts him one saturday night?

- How about to get back to Saturday night routine at Bottomless again? And we can actually do that more often until Henry organizes a tour. And finely you can join me on stage as my fan.

Dave smiles and texts:

- Ok ma-am, it would be a huge honour for me. Gonna be there at 10pm.

This time Dave made it there by Uber. When he arrived there Sally already was there and she was already tipsy. The band were playing "All Time Low- Dear Maria". Sally were dancing (jumping around) at the center of the bar. When she saw Dave She got so excited she tuns to him and pulls him also to center but Dave tries so hard to refuse as kind as possible, so eventually he says her:

- Ima get something to drink.

Sally says:

- Ok I got that you are not gonna dance.

They go to a table, Sally took a beer and Dave as always a glass of whiskey. After couple drinks and talking about various stuff Sally finely asks:

- Are you checking the single?

Dave goes with disapointed mood:

- Yea, just 20k views on youtube.

Sally goes:

- Damn dude! Check out the comments!

Dave opens comments and she was right. Almost every comment was about him, how he revealed the hidden potential of Chris and band in general. He was so happy and satisfied so he was speechless, he just got lost in those comments. Sally noticed that and suddenly says:

- Do you know the song "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes?

Dave says:

- Yea, But I know a better version of that.

Sally got so excited and goes:

- By State Champs?

Dave nods. And at that moment band finishes the song so Sally pulls Dave to stage. She gives him the guitar that was on stand, then tells to other members the song. She finelly looks to Dave and gives him a signal to start by nodding. And Dave hits first chords, and Sally starts to sing first verse. At the middle of first verse bass, drums and Jarred with some harmonic solo are kicking in. At pre chorus Dave also sings some back vocals, and at chorus Dave also starts to sing louder. Sally goes crazy, she jumps all around the stage and mostly goes to Dave, forces him to sing with same microphone. Dave tries to stay calm but the fact is he also liked to play a punk song with her there on stage.

This thing got more than a routine. They started to visit the place more often and with every time Dave started to get more energetic. And audience liked too their warm stage show. And after about two weeks Dave finely got defrosted. He also started to jump around the stage with his guitar on. Days are passing by and Sally gets closer and closer to Dave at the stage. Stage is the only place where Dave does not resist her, because he is happy and drunk on stage. So Sally uses that opportunity, but still Dave does not let her to kiss him.

Is It FriendzoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora