Chapter 69

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"We're trying so hard to get it all right, but we only feel lonely at the end of the night." -Mikky Ekko

A week after the announcement, our house has been flooded with calls from reporters and interviewers, hoping to get even a mere snippet of information about the baby. They call multiple times, hoping that maybe we've changed our minds about not giving anything away. Each time they're disappointed, though. We won't be giving anything away.

It's gotten so bad, we debated disconnecting our phone system. But after a few words from Plutarch, we were convinced not to.

Katniss answers the phone sometimes, but they get the same response from her as they get from me.

Nothing is shared. I want to shield my wife and my baby from the media as much as possible for as long as possible. Growing up in the spotlight, learning the harshness of its parents' past before they're ready... It's not something they need at such a young age.

Sitting quietly together, we watch the nightly news. As always, Caesar Flickerman comes on screen at 8:00pm on the dot.

We're both silent as we listen to Caesar go on about recent Capitol developments in technology.
"It's quite an amazing idea, actually, that you could use such a thing to change the country." Caesar says.
The guy with Caesar, who must have created whatever they're talking about, nods and keeps talking.

"This is so boring." Katniss groans.
This is one of the first things she's said all day. Ever since the announcement, she's been sort of recessive. I've been trying to get her to talk more, but seeing that my attempts are failing, I let her be.

When the news ends promptly at 9:30, I rise from the couch and head to the kitchen.
"Hey, Katniss, do you want a glass of water?" I ask.
She shakes her head, but I get a glass and fill it anyway. Sometimes she gets thirsty at night.

I hold her hand and guide her upstairs. She's so tensed up, but I know it's because she's so terrified of sleep. In the few words she speaks nowadays, she's confided in me her nightmares, and how they come back to haunt her still.
Tonight will probably be like the rest. I'll hold her in my arms tightly, not letting go, so she can try to feel secure and safe.


I wake to Katniss screaming, sitting up in bed.
I sit up quickly.
"Katniss, shh. What's wrong?" I ask. I thought this was a nightmare. I'm wrong.

She looks down at her at her stomach and puts a hand on it.
"The baby? Does something hurt?" I ask, getting nervous.
She lets out a dry sob, and I finally place my hand on her stomach.

She flinches, as if she forgets that I won't hurt her.
I feel movement. The baby's moving, just stirring around inside her. A minute later, I'm still feeling her stomach and she gasps as the baby gives a kick.
She bursts into tears. I realize that she doesn't understand what's going on.

"Katniss, it's okay. This is normal. It's just saying hi. It's all supposed to happen. It's just moving around." I say, trying to comfort her.
She takes a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"It's normal?" She asks shyly.
I nod. She smiles tiredly and I tell her to go back to sleep. She lays back down and I watch her shut her eyes. I stay awake until I know she's asleep.

4 hours later, we're in the same situation. Every time the baby moves, she wakes up in a panic. It's like she forgets what's going on each time.
I put my hand on her stomach every time, praying the baby can calm down so Katniss can sleep.

The baby kicks again, and I watch my wife go as pale as a ghost.
"Remember what I said," I say, "It's normal. You're okay, Katniss."
"I can't do this." She says.
"Yes you can, Katniss. You're already over halfway there. You only have 3 and a half months to go. Then the baby will be out here." I say.

Pure Torture: a Hunger Games FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora