Chapter 93

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"I was born in a thunderstorm. I grew up overnight. I played alone, I'm playing on my own. I survived."

By mid-November, Doctor Lucia says that the baby still looks healthy and is doing well, despite all of my medicines. Peeta decided a while ago to start calling it our miracle baby. Because I guess, if you think about it, it is.

Lately, Willow's been getting more suspicious of Peeta and I than usual. Since it's been two months since I got pregnant, Peeta and I think that it's time to tell Willow. And we got the news about the baby being healthy still, so now there's nothing stopping us.

By mid-November, though, the Capitol has finished the documentary on the rebellion. They work quickly. Last week, they came to our house to ask us questions and film our answers to add into the documentary. I had seen a couple documentaries before, so when they asked something, I tried to sound as tough and solid as possible. Nobody wants to see a sobbing Katniss on TV.

I'm proud of how well I maintained my composure, throughout every question. There were some tough ones, like was there anything you learned from your experiences?
What a bizarre question to ask. I don't really remember my answer, but it was something along the lines of me learning that people will do everything they can to hurt someone they hate. Something like that.

It was a relief when they finally left.

They told me it would air on November 19th, which just happens to be this evening.
Peeta and I have a plan for today. Tonight, before we put Willow to bed and before it comes on TV, we're planning on telling Willow about her new baby brother or sister. Neither of us know how she's going to react, but Peeta's going to hide a video camera to tape her reaction, just in case it's priceless.


"Willow!" I call out.
Peeta and I sit on the sofa in the living room. This is where we'll have her sit and be told. Peeta hid the camera a minute or two ago and now, we just wait.

We hear footsteps pattering over to the couch, and soon she appears.
"Yeah?" She asks.
"Mommy and I have something special to tell you." Peeta says.
"Really?" She gasps. She takes this as an invitation to jump up onto the couch with us.

She makes herself comfortable in Peeta's lap before settling down.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Are you ever lonely?" I ask her cryptically.
"Well... Sometimes, mommy. But I know that I have you and Daddy and Finn and Aunt Annie and Johanna and Effie and Uncle Haymitch." She explains.

"Hm..." I say, putting my pointer finger to my chin, mock thinking.
Willow isn't following.
"Well, what if I told you that in a few months, you'd have a little brother or sister around here, too?" I ask.
Willow's mouth drops open.
"What?" She asks.

"Mommy's having another little baby." Peeta tells her.
"You are?" She asks.
I laugh a little and nod.
Willow launches off of Peeta's lap and comes over to mine. She pokes my stomach.
"In there?" She asks curiously.
"Right in there." I say.

"When?" She asks.
"A little bit after your birthday. Sometime in June." I tell her.
"So I'm going to be a big sister?" She asks.
I nod.

She turns to Peeta and asks him the same question. Then she turns back to me.
"You're not lying, are you? Are you still sick?" She asks me.
"Willow..." I say quietly. I feel both of our hearts sinking.
"Willow, baby, I'm always going to be sick. It's always going to be like this."

"But when I get sick, you and daddy always make me better. Daddy cooks me soup and you cuddle with me and we watch TV together until I feel better..." She says.
"It's not the same kind of sickness, Willow. It's bigger. It doesn't make me throw up or get a fever. And it doesn't break like it does when you start getting better." I say.
Willow, please stop asking about this...

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