Chapter One

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There was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn't quite make out to be fear, or happiness, or confusion, or anything really. My fingers shook and my heart beat faster than it ever had before.

I sat, anxiously tapping my foot, waiting for my name to be called out from the man in charge. The room was full, no one had really been talking with one another and in all it was pretty quiet.

This very moment, the moment in which I am standing on the edge of falling into the chamber of my dreams, was absolutely nerve wrecking. It was like my life depended on it.

I looked around, just to try and take my mind off of things maybe and see how everyone else was feeling.

There were a few teenage boys, close to my young age of 16, some looked lots more confident than others, and some on the verge of tears.

Name by name, the people of the room were called out one by one as the area emptied minute by minute.

Then, finally, it was my name.

"Harry Styles?"

I had never been so struck to hear my own name before. I stood up, slowly and slightly unwillingly, but the guy with the black hat and ear piece attached with a clipboard came to me and helped me to the right direction and around to the spot I belonged.

"Good luck, mate." His voice is calm, I'm not sure why because this definitely isn't a situation to be calm during, but I smiled anyway as he handed me a microphone. It seemed small in my hands. I wrapped my fingers around it and held it tightly, taking a deep breath and trying to relax.

"Ok, walk out in three, two.." The man counted on his fingers, and once he hit one it was my time. My time and only mine.

I walked, as told to do so, right onto the stage. It was bigger than I had seen on television, and was a hell of a lot scarier than imagined as well.

It took quite a few moments to let my vision and brain and ears and all to adjust to the surroundings. Bright lights, very famous idols sitting before me, large crowd filled with more people than I'd probably ever encountered in my lifetime.

It was odd, because as I was still walking out into my position and everyone in the crowd began cheering. This made me smile.

Without even a bit of hesitation, world famous Simon Cowell looked right at me from only a few feet away and said, "How are you?"

"Hello!" I said, trying to sound as light-hearted and quirky as possible, forgetting to actually answer his question.

"And what's your name?"

"I'm Harry-" I swallowed. "Styles.."

"Hi Harry, how old are you?"


"Okay, and tell me a bit about you."

I was so nervous, I couldn't even remember anything about myself. I could've just said something stupid, because my mind was completely blank and all I could think of was school and and work and all this dumb shit.

"Uh, I work in a bakery."

The questions went on for longer than they probably should have, but I was okay with that.

After a while of speaking, he told me to get on and begin my act. I shook it off, looking to my feet and just telling myself in my head that I was gonna do great, I was gonna do fine, this was going to be great, and before I knew it I was singing.

"Isn't she lovely? Isn't she beautiful.."

Easier than I would think, I sang with my all. It was simple to take every emotion that I had built up that day and put it into my lungs and force it out as a song.

The 3 judges looked astounded, surprisingly. That made me feel happier, and I smiled proudly and finished my act off.

And they loved it. Nicole said that my voice was strong and mature for my age, Simon acted nicer than I've ever seen, and Louis just smiled and complimented me over and over again.

In the end, I got 3 yes's. I did a little dance when I heard and all of the doubt in my stomach went away, I felt powerful and filled with joy, and it was all indescribable.

I thanked them and waved to them and tried to keep myself as chill as possible but it was hard. I was so excited, and turns out that this was just the beginning.

Being honest, none of the other acts had caught my eye too much. There were a few that I propped up just to hear, but sitting there and just listening to them, I didn't get too excited.

That made me feel somewhat happy, thinking I might have a chance. I tried my hardest not to get my hopes up, though, because there had been plenty of times in my life where I did get too overly hopeful and ended up losing myself.


I went back to my hotel that night, the entire ride home my mother and sister, Gemma, just kept complimenting me and telling me how fantastic which I didn't mind, I just wasn't really into all of that. I had told them that they didn't have to keep speaking like that to me, but they insisted on it anyway.

Mum unlocked the door to our hotel room and right when I walked in, I plopped down onto the bed and began falling asleep. Gemma laughed at me, my mum told her to stop bugging me an that I'd been through a lot today.

She came over and rubbed my back with her hand, and then she leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Brilliant job today, Harry. I'm really proud of you."

I looked up from the bed and smiled at her, just barely opening my eyes up. "Get lots of sleep, okay? Tomorrow is the last day of auditions, and then you're going back for bootcamp. And you will be amazing. I love you Harry."

"Love you too, Mum." I say with my last breath before I fall asleep.

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