Chapter Forty One

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"Logan? Logan, love, please wake up-" I had my hand gently on his shoulder, trying to shake him out of his very deep sleep. "Logan.."

Finally, his eyes opened just so slightly so I could see the gaudy gold that his iris kept. He seemed calmed, but after just a few seconds his eyes widened intensely and he sat up rapidly with fear. "Shh, shh!" I tried to get him back down, but he snapped in my face with his fresh canines.

I used my might to hold him down on the couch, he whimpered with my hand trapping his mouth and soon enough he was quiet. It was only 5 that morning, but we needed to get an early start to head to the O2 Arena to get everything situated and tested, and there was no other option than to bring Logan with us. Paul was here, he told us he would keep him safe backstage while we preformed. I told him he would probably just be sleeping, anyways, because under his condition he couldn't do much anyways.

It was weird, it was like the Up All Night Tour had just ended mere days ago. I never felt like I had a break. This was the longest time I had ever been away from my family.

I felt grown up. I never thought that anything would change this much, and thinking about where it's all come to is insane. I mean, I've not only changed because I'm a god damn fucking werewolf wow but I mean as a regular person, I'm somewhere new. I have tattoos now. I'm this close to not even being a teenager any longer. I've been away from home for longer than I could've imagined.

I shook it off and went to get my stuff, while Louis helped pack up Logan to get going. Niall seemed oddly happy, and Liam was acting as if nothing ever happened at all, and he still loved us dearly. Which was weird, but it was better than no acknowledgement at all.

Everything was loaded up in our car, we were all dressed and ready to go, the first date of the tour. Fuck.

We had to bring Oops because there wasn't any place else we could leave him for over half the year, and Louis also begged and begged for us to take him along with us. Logan was grumpy, he slouched in the back seat with Oops across his lap, Niall sat beside him, Lou and I were in the middle section and Liam sat in the front seat with Paul.

I felt tense. I was nervous, like I felt something were to completely go wrong.

"Hey-" Louis' calming voice whispered to me. He smiled, moving his hand onto my thigh and grabbing my hand. "You're okay, this is all okay. Don't stress yourself."

I took a deep breath and I closed my eyes.


This had happened before. Standing behind the stage with my heart pounding faster each beat, struggling to wrap my fingers tight enough to hold the microphone. It was the exact same as the XFactor audition.

Everything was going in slow motion just as then. Just as then, I couldn't even imagine what was coming to me, what exactly was my future beyond this point.

Louis' chin dropped to my shoulder and he kissed my cheek. "Calm, darling. I know you'll be okay." I felt him smile.

His arms went between mine and he held my waist. I believed him, I knew I would be okay. I just couldn't quite convince my brain that.

"Stage time in 1, ready boys?" Liam said, tripping over chords while adjusting his ear piece and standing next to Niall.

I shook my head, smiling.


We formed a circle, putting our hands in like routine before every show, and he chanted.

"I love you guys." Liam said, hugging us all together. He released, stepping back looking as if he were to cry. "You know, I've been a real prick lately. Seriously, ignoring you guys? How childish. You can't help yourselves, and I know you mean well and I can't even remember why I was so mad. I mean, being in a band with both a werewolf and a vampire? What are the odds? Fuck this, I love you guys so much."

We hugged once more, and then up to the stage we go.

To my surprise, the night was a breeze. The crowd was welcoming and buzzed, it always made me smile and feel more grateful than ever to hear all my beautiful girls singing back my own songs. During Little Things, Louis sat with me on the boxes to the side in the bright lights and he held my hand.

"You can't go to bed, without a cup of tea.
And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep-"

His smile at me was preeminent and made all time stop.

"And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep,
though it makes no sense to me."

I closed my eyes and pressed the mic to my lips. I squeezed Lou's hand and I felt home.

We were all quite jumpy and happy and hyper through the entire show. It was a rush of energy we hadn't had in a long time, we needed it.

I felt somewhat free, on the stage. It was cheesy to say, but regardless, I felt something when I was there. There were days where I regretted it, wishing I didn't have to- but once I was standing in front of my thousands of lovely darling girls I was happy. I think being happy was most important here.

We took our final bow of the night, then threw our arms up to thank all our lovely girls and boys. I blew kisses, and Louis came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing my neck and then pulling me back to our trap doors, and falling through the floor with me.

Niall chanted, adrenaline pumping as the sweat dripped from his forehead and hair falling down to his nose. Liam was still jumping around excitedly as he skipped to the snack table and grabbed a water, singing.

I hugged Louis. He dug his nose into my shoulder, but then looked up at me, big blue eyes and mouth dropped. "What do we do now?"

"What do you mean, 'what do we do know?'" I scoffed, smiling.

"You know," He grinned, then pushed his lips against my ear and whispered. "Let's have some hard, celebratory sex."

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