Chapter Thirty Six

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Each and everyday was just a game of hide 'n seek with Lottie. Sometimes I would see her, rather in the street or in the crowd, but nonetheless she did appear everyday. And she had the same intention each time, she just was waiting to act on it.

I was scared, and there was no better way to say it. I just felt unsafe and I wanted to go home, I wanted to be in my own room on my own bed more than anything right now. There were just days before the tour ended, but it all just seemed so far away.

But, the good part was I was a bitchin actor. I was good at acting like there was absolutely nothing wrong, every single night, during every concert. I just goofed off and sang and rolled around on the stage a bit and bam, great show and no one suspects a thing.

Some nights were certainly worse than others, those were the ones where Lottie had been peering from the center of the crowd. The rest of the boys would just be singing and dancing and laughing, but I would be stood still, unintentionally staring at her, but couldn't get my eyes away.

She would pull out a weapon, a large gun, and aim it right at me. But right before she was to pull the trigger-

"Harry!" Liam would call, I missed my solo.

And when I looked back, she was gone.

She made me anxious. She made me scared, afraid knowing that I was most likely going to die within seconds under her presence. Louis was doing the best he could to keep her away, he had a way of controlling emotions, which he could force on her and turn her back, but with both their forces against each other, it was hard to follow through on.

Sometimes it makes me think about my life choices. Because when I think about it, if I had never showed up to XFactor auditions, then this would've all been nothing. I wouldn't have met Zayn, therefore I wouldn't be a werewolf, no one would be wanting to kill me, I would've never been put into this band and never been through such obstacles and having to do all I do now, I wouldn't have to hide. I also wouldn't have met Louis.

That's what it comes down to, and sometimes I just lay the old hotel beds when I should be sleeping and wonder if Louis is worth this life.


"It's been a year, he still can't control it. That really worries me, you know? Like I didn't have anyone to show me, like I had to show myself control. He's gotten instruction and everything he's needed and I really think this is a problem."

"Hm." I was on the phone with Dylan. We talked on most days, and driving towards the stadium for our last ever show on the Up All Night Tour, I had him stressing on the other line. "Do you still chain him up?"

"No, I lock him in the closet, then I put a ton of furniture in front of it so he won't get out."

I laughed, remembering when I was in the same position.

"Well, don't worry. We're coming home in a few days, I'll be there and I can work with him. Just, be easy on him. No yelling, it'll just raise his intentions of turning."

"Okay," Dylan said. "Good luck tonight."

"Thanks. You too," I bite my lip, tonight was a full moon.

I hang up and look out the window as we enter the stadium's lot. Fans start screaming. They're all waiting for our arrival, and once the car pulls in they all start jumping and chanting and smiling and shouting, and I smile back and wave. There isn't anywhere else that will make me feel more welcomed and like I belong.


I choked on my solo in More Than This. It wasn't because I had forgotten, or anything like that, it was because I felt a sort of pain right as I began. I flinched, dropping my mic. Louis was already standing behind me, and came closer and I bent down to pick it up. As I brought myself back up, my eyes went directly towards the balcony above, where I immediately saw Lottie, standing alone, holding a bow and arrow pointed directly at me.

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