Chapter Two

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Bootcamp made the audition seem like nothing at all. I could get over my nerves during the audition, but this was pretty intense. This was the moment that decided your fate, basically. You could either gain everything or loose it.

We drove down to Wembley early in the morning, which was where the Bootcamp was being held.

They divided us all up into 4 groups, girls, boys, groups, and over age 25. I was in boys, obviously, along with about 30 others. We were assigned to sing the song "Man in the Mirror", which scared me even more because I wasn't too familiar with it.

During practice, I noticed one skinny lad with a dark fringe and very pale face that kept looking over to me and smiling every time I opened my mouth. The first few times I didn't mind it, but after a while it sort of freaked me out. I ignored it, mostly.

The singing portion was easy, then came the dancing. I would call myself a good dancer, I have plenty of moves that I have come up with in my head that I tend to practice most days in front of the bedroom mirror, and I wouldn't say I was bad.

Some of the contestants were, though. One boy, probably my age, hid from the dance auditions because he claimed that he couldn't. Simon had to actually go backstage and speak with him, to try and get him to come back and at least try the dance part.

He did, and I actually felt bad for him. He had a really sad look in his eyes, but I could also tell that he was somewhat upset with Simon because he would look up at him every once in while through his routine and his eyes would shine with anger.

The days kept on, more and more songs I had to learn and sing, it was very difficult and very pressuring and fast paced, but none of it mattered. What mattered was the elimination.

By the time that elimination arrived, I was worn out and needed a break, but I wanted this so badly that a break couldn't have been an option. This was my dream and there isn't a way I would be giving up.

I didn't want to be worried, because I felt like I did an alright job and that I might make it, but that feeling wasn't strong enough to overcome the fear.

I slowly walked out onto the stage, feeling alone although there were plenty of individuals surrounding me. I stood right in the middle of the line, trying to look mature and confident in myself even though at this point I wasn't so sure that I really was.

The skinny boy with the grungy brown hair kept looking at me again. He was all the way across the line, and I also don't think he cared that it was obvious he was staring at me. I avoided eye contact, trying to focus on something else.

In no time, every one of us were on the stage, probably all feeling the same way. Scared and pressured.

Names began being called, more and more names but the farther down the list Simon went, my name still was not said.

It even got to the point he was on the very last name, still without saying mine, and all the boys left in line who haven't heard their name yet began bitting their finger nails to fight nerves, sweat fell from their foreheads and their feet tapped, tapped, tapped again.

The last name was called.

I am not even quite sure whose it was; but it wasn't mine.

I didn't care what name it even was.

Because it wasn't mine.

I was torn.

Into a million pieces.

I didn't even care to look if can't dance kid or lame hair kid made it past or not, because I was so disappointed in myself and all. It hurt so, so bad.

We were told to walk back to the behind the stage, and as we did I couldn't see where I was going. My vision was fading away because of the amount of tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't.

There was no telling on what I was going to do next, I waited around for maybe 5 minutes until I found my mother, and the first thing I did was fall into her arms and cry into her shoulder. I pouted with my arms swung around her neck and my hands feeling at her hair.

"C'mon babe, lets get home and rest." She said, in her sweet little voice. Usually it would calm me down, but not now. I don't think I've ever worked so hard for something and just gotten it taken away from me in a matter of minutes.

I grabbed all my things and was heading away when I heard a large voice. "Alright! Listen up! I need everyone who has been eliminated to line up over here. Judges orders, we need to make a few changes."

I turned, dropping my bag and looking in the direction of the same man in the black hat with the clipboard.

I looked back towards my mum, and all she did was throw me the 'What the fuck are you doing fucking do what the man says and get your ass back there' face.

I let my things fall to the floor as I ran after the man to find out the matter. Every boy who had been eliminated tonight was standing in a box order, which I joined into.

The clipboard guy stood in front and began speaking, then calling more names.

"Can I please have Liam Payne-"

A boy with light brown hair and a thick jacket stepped forward, looking surprised.

"Niall Horan-"

A kid with horribly bleached hair went to the front, you could tell he had been crying from the way he just barely raised his head to show his bloodshot teary eyes.

"Zayn Malik-"

Mister can't dance shyly stepped in front.

"Louis Tomlinson-"

Grungy scary creeper kid stood ahead.

"And Harry Styles, please."

Harry Styles? Fuck, that was my name. He called my name. What was I to think? My heart was racing and my muscles hurt as I grouped together with the other 4 boys and followed the clipboard man out, as he told us to walk back onto the stage.

4 other girls who had been eliminated earlier were already standing on the other side of the stage, waiting for something to happen just as we were.

The 3 judges came out from the back and headed in towards the judges table. It was Nicole, Louis, and Simon all looking very serious. Nicole held up a microphone in front of her mouth and began to speak softly.


No one answered, as all of us were far too disappointed too.

She talked on for a while, and being honest I wasn't really paying any attention. I just stood on the far end of the boys dazing off.

"..We've decided that you all are too talented to let go." Were the words that grabbed my attention. But they didn't just grab it, they yanked it over with white knuckles and full forced.

"We have decided to put you into 2 groups.." She said. I look at the boys. Niall seemed confused. Liam seemed like he was about to burst into tears. Zayn was listening closely. Louis was smiling. "And we are putting you all through."

That was it. Right as her sentence was finished, I fell to the floor, dropping down onto my knees and just feeling so exhilarated. This was phenomenal, I wanted to scream. I looked up to see Niall jumping around with excitement, pulling me up from the floor and hugging me. Louis came over to hug me as well, then resting his arm on my shoulder when our attention was called back to the stage.

Simon started a lecture on how hard we had to work, how much that had to be put into this, because this was it.

Honestly, I was just happy to be put through. I didn't care who I was with, even if it did include a leprechaun and emo Peter Pan. My dream was happening.

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