Chapter Five

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Niall met me outside my hotel that morning, we agreed to walk down to the arena together in the morning. It was chilly out, and only about 6 o'clock.

"Hey Harry," He waved as I walked out the double doors of the hotel. "You feeling okay mate? You look a little flushed."

"Huh?" I ask, finding myself daydreaming. "Oh, oh no I'm fine." I say, trying to pay more attention. I still was unsure of last night on what exactly happened, but there was no time to figure how what was happening. This was time for the XFactor, this was time for making my dreams come alive.

We started walking, and also talking about ourselves and our plans and pasts and futures and all. Niall was actually a pretty cool guy, sort of loud and definitely funny, he wasn't easily offended or anything like that. He was also simply a great guy to talk to.

About fifteen minutes into walking, I took a risk and asked him a few questions. "Ni, what do you think of Zayn?"

"Zayn?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "He seems like a cool guy. Maybe a little shy and may need some time to get used to and comfortable, but all in all I think he is pretty alright. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering." I didn't want to tell him about last night. I wasn't planning on telling anyone. "Did he seem anxious to you at all?"

"Well, yes, of course, last night I did notice that Zayn looked a little pale and stressed but aren't we all right now? And besides, we don't quite know each other to well yet, he might have major anxiety or something. You never know."

"Yeah," I nodded.

We walked a bit more before I opened up my mouth again. "And what about Louis?"

"Again, he seems like a normal guy to me, probably just stressed. He's a scrawny and pale little guy, isn't he?"

I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess so."

We spent a few more minutes walking until we reached Wembley. He held the door open for me and I walked right in, heading back to the room I belonged in with the rest of the boys. Liam and Louis were both there, but no Zayn.

I figured he might just be late, but we waited forever for him and there was no sign of him anywhere by the time it was 8 o'clock and time to begin.

We started without him anyways. Our assignment was to sing a song all together prepared for the judges houses. It took us a while to come up with the perfect song, but being honest I just wasn't able to focus on any of that. I wanted to, trust me, it was what was most important to me, but it was so hard. From Zayn's possible changing, to the attack, to the healing to Zayn now disappearing, everything was just all over the place.

"Where's Zayn?" Simon asked, walking into the room we sat and inspecting.

I let another one of the boys say something, because it would've been obvious I was lying if I let out an 'I don't know.'

"We aren't sure, Simon." Liam said maturely.

"Oh, my God." He said, grumbling. He wiped his face with his hand and mumbled into them, aggravated. "Well, that's his problem I guess. You all keep working."

We nodded and went on. I had this awful feeling in my stomach and a horrid taste in my mouth.

There was too much on my mind at the moment and I kept staring off and ignoring the boys, unmeaningly, but because I would repeatedly ask myself the same things- What's happened to Zayn, was it really Zayn who had attacked me, why did Zayn attack me, why did I heal, what's going to happen to me now?

The day wasn't too full, we mainly just practiced with Simon and got assigned a vocal coach for our performances.

Other than that, it was the time in the competition when we moved into our own houses. Obviously, me, Liam, Louis, and Niall were be going to living along with each other in the same
house. Zayn was scheduled to live there as well, but there was no telling if that were true or not at this point.

Since me and Ni were staying in hotels near each other, we walked back again together.

"Funny how Zayn wasn't there. Do you think he's sick?" Niall asked, tripping over cracks in the sidewalk.

"Yeah, maybe." No. Not at all. Maybe sick in the head.

"Maybe that's why he seemed anxious to you, because he was coming down with something."

I had put very little thought into this, but I couldn't see what harm it would be to tell Niall the truth about what happened with Zayn.

"Ni, I'm gonna tell you something. Promise not to say a word to Liam and Louis or Simon or anyone, please?"

He cocked his head at me and furrowed his brows, but then nods in agreement.

"Well, I was out last night with Zayn, he was last to be picked up, but-"

I stopped, interrupted by the sound of sirens. I let my eyes follow a police car turning into the area that was somewhat near my hotel, more towards the back a ways.

"What the hell?" Niall exclaims.

"Come here," I say, tugging on his wrist and walking closer. As I began to get further towards the site, I realized that this was the exact spot Zayn had bit me last night.

Looking over all of the officers and EMT's and doctors heads, I surprisingly saw Zayn, lying on the cold wooded floor, blood heavily sprinkled from his throat to his torso. I gasped in astonishment, it was obvious he was dead.

Niall gripped my arm, shaking. "Is that.. Is that Zayn?"

I nodded, speechless.

"You boys can't be here," An officer walks oh to us and blocks our view. "Move on now."

But I was too curious. When had he been killed? Who had killed him?

This was the first time I'd ever seen a dead body, and it was not very comforting that my first was someone meant to be a life long friend.

I pulled Niall away, who was now teary eyed, to finally tell him everything I had been wanting to.

I grabbed onto his shoulders to hold him still, then looked him directly in the eyes and did not stutter one bit while speaking.

"Look, last night when I was with Zayn he started acting funny, his eyes were glowing and shit and it's like whenever I spoke, my voice hurt his ears like I was too loud or something. So he went to the toilet and only moments later came back out as some sort of creature. I wasn't even sure it was him, but it sure did look like him, and then it chased me into the exact spot he is laying now and bit me. But the bite healed, it's all gone and I don't know what's happened."

It certainly took a few minutes for Ni to take everything in. "Wait, wait." He finally said after looking thoroughly confused for a while. "You said he turned into some sort of creature? How so?"

"Well, his eyes starting glowing red and his teeth got sharp like a shark and also his skin was tanner and it was like his facial hair grew put stunningly quick so it was covering his face, he almost looked dog-like."

"And he bit you?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, right here." I pointed.

"Okay, Harry, I don't know what sort of drugs you're on but you basically just described the entire Twilight series. Are you positive you were hallucinating?"

"Well, that's what I thought too, but do you see that?!" I pointed to Zayn's dead body. "That's real. That's all real and something strange is happening."

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