Chapter Nineteen

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During the same tenth week, we were set to sing "She's The One" with Robbie Williams, and that couldn't had gone better.

He was a figure to all of us and we all had such a rush when singing by his side. What an unforgettable moment.

But here we are, me and Lou know what's coming. We stand on the far side of the stage, Cher, Rebecca, Mary, and Matt are all beside us, hoping to hear the same thing tonight; their name.

We hadn't told Liam or Niall. They both seemed pretty confident in making it, but I saw tears running down Lou's face already. I bit my finger nails and stared down at my feet.

"In no particular order, the acts that have received the most votes and are moving on to the finals are-" He stopped for suspense, of course.

We stood and we waited to the first persons name. Louis clutched my arm harder. Simon stood behind us, playing for a confirmation. I began to cry to.

This was it. We were going home tonight.

"One Direction!"

I don't think I had ever seen anyone jump quite so high as Niall did in that moment. And the expression locked to Louis' face was revolutionary. He ever so slowly lifted his head, eyes large and beaming, his smile was bigger than I'd ever saw on anyone and he began pumping his fists.

I jumped on him and hugged him, and refused to let go because I had never been so happy in my entire life, I swear. My heart felt whole, my entire life could end at this moment and I don't think I would care.

Everyone else had moved on at this point, but none of us had, we were actually forced off the stage and back behind it.

"Great job, lads!" Simon congratulated us, joining us all in one group hug.

"We did it," I turned to Louis. "How come we did it?"

"I don't quite know, we should be gone by now."

At this point, neither of us had bothered to think that we still could loose, there were the Finals and then the Face-off that we had to complete in order to win but I think that the two of us were too happy to make it here to do as much as think right now.

I hugged Niall and I hugged Liam, congratulating them while full of smiles.

That night, to celebrate, we all lay on the roof and stare at the stars. How beautiful they were, aligned in just the right order to tell a story and mesmerize our very eyes.

Liam and Niall couldn't tell, but Lou and I held each other's hands. The 4 of us talked for maybe 2 hours or so, and our conversation hadn't even been about the competition, it was all personal and quite deep.

"It's been a long night, I might head of to bed now. Goodnight mate." Liam said as he began to stand up. Me and Lou both took our hands away from each other as he walked by.

"Me too, goodnight you guys." Niall said, getting up on his feet and tiptoeing across the roof and down to the balcony.

Lou and I made sure they were gone before continuing.

We sat in complete silence for a while. The only noise was that of a mosquito or sirens from the distance.

"I think I may go to bed too.." I started to say, but Louis held me down.

"No, wait. Stay with me? Just for, like, ten more minutes."

"Fine," I pretended to sound annoyed but I actually couldn't be happier he asked me to stay. "Is there something you'd like to talk about or like.."

"No, to be honest. I just really enjoy your company, you know?"

I smiled. "Alright.

Another long silence.

"Hey, I have a question."

"Shoot." Lou nodded.

"Aren't vampires said to be, sort of, immoral?"

"Yes, we are."

"So, how old are you?"

"I am eighteen."

I furrowed my brow to him, suspecting a lie.

"Fine. I am two hundred and eight."

"You haven't aged?"

"Our molecules and genes are different than a humans. Therefore, I can look just as a teenager when anyone human would be shriveled and dead in their hundreds. I was born in 1802."

I payed lots of attention to every word as it left his sweet lips.

"Louis, this isn't your first time on the XFactor, is it?"

He laughed at my statement. "No, it isn't."

"You want to win, you keep coming back because you know you have time."


"The judges allow that?"

"Actually, I am not sure. But I have a way of erasing the memory of myself to a point, you know? Even though Simon has faced me seven times before, he thinks that this is the first."

"That's fucking weird." I say. "So you're used to this?"

"Not quite." He bows his head. "Only because I haven't ever made it this far." He laughs nervously, looking a little embarrassed.

"And that's why you freaked out earlier today?"

"Yeah." He slowly nodded. "But I really want to make it, you know? And if I have the chance, then why not take it? I'm also one of the only vampires that have made it so far."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, though we're immortal, our life span is maybe three hundred years only because we're usually hunted and killed. It's dangerous in this world, there are many lots of people trying to find us to kill us off. But I'm pretty good with my powers and being able to hide myself, I plan on going quite a bit further than three hundred."

"What about your family?"

Right when I asked, I could see his happy emotion turn into sorrow.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you don't have to-"

"No, it's alright. I'll talk. Just hard, you know?" He cleared his throat. "The only member I have left is one of my sisters. She's a vampire too, of course, we escaped from my mother and other three sisters when they were being attacked by the hunters. Of course, we tried helping them, but my mum told us she would be fine and to run. It's important that we keep our population up, we don't want to become extinct."

"Whys that?"

"Do you want to humans to go extinct?"


"And that's that." He smirked. What a smartass.

He continued. "But yeah, the rest of them are dead, and Lottie and I are the last Tomlinson's, she's around but we don't talk much."

I nodded as if I understood.

"You got any family?" He was eager to lay off the subject of his family.

"Yeah, uh, my mum, my step-dad, and my sister Gemma."

"Wonderful," He nodded.

The amount of long lengths of silence killed me.

"So, tell me, what have you discovered about yourself as a werewolf?" Louis asked, pointing to me.

"Oh, well, I don't know, I can hear much better, lots of things I shouldn't be able to hear."

"Such as?" Lou asks.

"Such as Liam and Niall in the house right now sucking each other off."

Louis jaw dropped.

"Just kidding," I smiled.

"You're a filthy dick, you know that?" He intimidates me.

"You bet your ass I am,"

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