Chapter Twenty

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"Alright, ya pussies, get your asses out here."

"What the fuck, Liam, don't be a bitch."

"It's too early for this,"

"It's never too early for success!"

"Shut the fuck up, it's five in the morning."

Liam decided to wake us the fuck up to practice for the finals. What a little bitch.

I was not a happy camper in the mornings, especially early like now. I don't believe that there is any excuse to wake me up any earlier than 9 o'clock am, and if there ever is, Louis Tomlinson better be fucking dying or something.

"Niall! Get off the floor, mate!" Liam was a great guy, very motivational and encouraging, but I pretty much draw the line when the 3 of us are dragging ourselves across the hardwood and he's acting angelic or some shady shit.

"My voice doesn't even work this early, Liam," Louis whines. It was true, especially when my dick was stuck in his throat the night before.

"Uhg, you guys are pathetic." He puts his hands on his hips. "C'mon, this is important, you guys!"

"We've already sang this song, we already know our parts and what to do, I don't see the point in practicing-"

"That was weeks ago! And we almost got kicked off the first time. We need to step up our game!" Liam shouts and switches his stance into something much more sassier.

Niall was on the floor again, drooling and snoring with his face pressed against the wood. "Jesus Christ," Liam complained and kicked him.

It took nearly an hour, but eventually Payno got us up and practicing a bit. I payed lots of attention to Louis, now knowing that he's been singing for quite a while, and he actually did know a lot.

Whenever he sang, he pressed his hand against his mid chest and held the mic perfectly below his chin. It was a habit of his, and a adorable one at that, I might add.

Louis always smiled when it was my solo. Which made me smile and usually fuck it up- which I couldn't hate more. But, in all, I was happy that my voice made him happy.

"Fuck!" Liam shouted. "This is all wrong, dear lord it's all wrong.." He was so completely stressed. I could literally feel his waves of anxiety filling the room as he began pacing quicker and quicker, back and forth, back and forth.

"Payno, buddy." Louis got up off the couch and put his arm on Liam's shoulder. "You're doing too much, you're killing yourself here. Take a break. Let's chill, you know?" Louis had such an adoring and calming voice to listen to, it was overwhelming.

He took real deep sigh and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Niall went to his side and put his hand on my back for comfort. "It's just been a lot of pressure, you know? And my family isn't making it any better for me whatsoever, so."

"Your parents are pressuring you?"

"Well, not in the way you'd think." Liam had big brown eyes that spoke sorrow. "My family think that their psychic or something, it's really stupid. My dad keeps telling me that you guys are no good, that you guys aren't normal and whatever."

Louis turns to me and frowns. Niall looks at the both of us suspiciously. I sigh.

"He doesn't know that I'm a werewolf or anything, does he?" I ask, rubbing my cold hands together.

"No, I keep blowing him off and saying that there's nothing unusual about any of us. He refuses to believe that, he just keeps doing research and all this dumb shit and telling me that I'll be in trouble if you all stick around."

I could see Louis' eyes widen as he gulped. I was the only one who knew about him as a vampire, and I was the only one who could know.

Louis looked like he just had diarrhea. His muscles got tense and he lost his balance and furrowed his eyebrows in a surprised expression. From this, I could just about tell that he just saw something in the back of his head, something that obviously wasn't going to be good.

"How about we rest boys, alright?" I said, dismissing the group.

Niall and Liam walked out of the room and I gripped Louis' shoulder tightly and led him onto the balcony outside.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" My heart began racing and I felt sweat start to form in drops in my forehead.

"It's Liam's family, they must know something."

"Lou, they don't know anything."

"We don't know that! They could be planning our deaths at this moment!" He tries to stay as quiet as possible, although he is quite aggravated and waving his arms around like a fool. "We aren't safe in this world, and the minute that someone like Liam's father finds out about us, we're dead."

"How so? Why is it so bad that we're here? Why do they want us dead?"

"I couldn't tell you if I wanted to. There are just some people that think we are only here to hurt them, that we are psychotic animals of some sort. So it's their duty to kill us off." His voice was shaking and his eyes became damp and red.

"So, how do we keep his dad from finding out anything?" I asked, nervously toying with my hair.

"I don't know."

This made me scared. My stomach immediately fell to my feet and my vision went every which way. There was no way I could protect myself, there was no way Louis could protect himself. It's all a matter of fate now.

"But if his dad finds out, you can just, erase his memory or something, right?"

"No, once an individual knows what you are then certain powers, such as deleting ones memory, just don't work anymore." He sighs and sits on the railing of our balcony.

I wasn't going to take this shit as an answer, though. I couldn't seem to wrap my head around that we weren't going to be safe- because I would do everything I possibly could to protect Louis. There was nothing in the world I wanted more to do in that moment. He wasn't going anywhere, nothing was going to happen to him. Because I would be there and I will do what I have to to keep him alive and happy.

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