Chapter Fourteen

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When Louis had told me to leave him alone yesterday, each word went in through one ear and out the other. Him telling me obviously didn't stop me from being curious. Right when I got back to the house, Niall and Liam were asking me questions but I didn't have time for that.

I pushed passed them, mumbling the answers they wanted to hear instead of the truth. I locked myself in the room I shared with Niall with the laptop.

I first went to Google, and typed in "Shimmering skin". Nothing really showed up besides images, but none of them compared to what I saw.

There were knocks on the door but I ignored them and kept up the research. I kept typing in different keywords like "golden eyes" and "unusual behavior" and such, but nothing showed up besides mental health disorders and more werewolf news.

I did not suspect him to be a werewolf. I have enough senses to tell if he were one or not, so that was out of the question. He certainly wasn't normal though, I was positive of that.

The internet didn't help at all. There wasn't a single thing I had found. After about 2 hours I finally shut off the computer. I groaned, throwing my arms on the bed and rubbing my face.

This really frustrated me, it frustrated me that he was keeping something big from me and it all upset me that he was so sad, because that meant I could loose my control easier and that was definitely something I didn't want to face.

At about 9 o'clock that night was when I saw him for the first time again that day. I heard the door knob click and his footsteps into the living room. I also heard the back glass sliding door open up and close again as he went out onto the patio.

Niall and Liam had gone to sleep, but I was waiting for Louis to come back and refused to sleep until he was inside again.

I rolled down my sheets, trying not to wake Niall, then tiptoed around to the door and slowly creaked it open. Niall snored very very loudly, it was disturbing but also meant it was hard to wake him with any of my motions.

I shut the door behind me and then went on over to where the glass door was, rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, and blinked a few times until Louis was clear. He was sitting, in the same spot as he did nights upon nights ago, the wind blowing against his hair.

The night sky wasn't quite black, but a deep dark blue that complimented the perfectly aligned stars and moon and planets. Louis stared off into it, looking as if he had been thinking very hard about something in particular.

I couldn't work up the nerve to open the sliding door, feeling that I would completely disrupt his peace which was the last thing I wanted.

"Harry," The sound of a voice scared me. I looked around, no one was around. "H, I know you can hear me."

"Who..?" I asked, feeling suddenly uncomfortable.

"It's Louis," I squinted. I did happen to see his jaw move as the voice spoke, and after thinking just a moment, the voice was his. "believe it or not."

I leaned up against the doorway. How did he know I could hear what he was saying? How did he know I was here?

"Don't speak, H, just listen. I could feel your tension from behind me. That's how I knew you were there. And by the way; I am not one to really enjoy the creeping like that." He giggled. "Why don't you sit?"

This didn't seem real. I sat and let a few seconds pass before shyly letting my hand grip the doors handle and sliding it open, stepping out into the world of gleaming darkness. The wind was cold, the air compact as I sit down in the chair next to Lou's.

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