Chapter Twenty Three

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We left the house the next morning. On our way out, we were surprised to be stopped multiple times by girls of all ages wanting photographs and signatures and hugs and kisses.

There were many of them that told us we were great and wonderful and to never stop singing, and I promised them I wouldn't.

A very young girl, probably only 7 or 8 years of age ran right up to me and grabbed onto my waist and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back, laughing, and she looked up to me with very big and sad eyes.

"You guys aren't gonna leave, right?" She asked.

"We have to go home now, love." I told her, pouting my lip.

"No, no. I mean, you guys will keep singing for me?" The girl looked like she was on the edge of tears. "I love One Direction. Please don't go away."

I smiled greatly. "Never, darling." I kissed the top of her head. "We will be together as long as you want us to be together."

"Thank you," A tear fell as she pressed her cheek against my coat.

I was about to walk away when she tugged on my jacket once more. Then signaled me to lean down. I did, and she moved in close to my ear and whispered with her palm covering her mouth.

"Do you know that the prince over there with the cheek bones is in love with you?"

The few delicate words took me into a secure place, one where I could smile shamelessly and admittedly. I looked at her, she was grinning with her chin tucked into her dress and her fingers twisted below her waist.

"Shh.." I put my fingers on his lips lightly, crouching down to her level. "It's a secret." I wink.

She mimics me and created the same shushing sound in reply. She begins to laugh and walk off to our car.

I think that that was the first time I realized that I wasn't singing for myself, I wasn't singing for my benefit or to make myself happy, I was singing to make people like this girl happy, or my family, or my band. And that's truly all I wanted now and beyond this point- it suddenly became my job to make others smile.

We were hauled back into our car to leave to the train station, which was quite a struggle due to the amount of girls wanting to meet us. I waved to all of them and blew kisses, feeling more happy than I had in a long time.

I threw myself down next to Louis in the back seat. I put my hand on this thigh and rubbed it, beaming in his direction as his eyes sparkled.


It was a short ride to the train station, we arrived in less than an hour. We all hopped out of the car and I was surprised to me my mum and Gemma standing outside the entrance waiting for me. I ran to Gemma and wrapped my arms around her with bursting enthusiasm. I could feel her jaw curve as she smiled with her face tucked into my shoulder. "We're so proud of you, Harry!"

My mum joined in on the hug, twisting us back and forth and swinging us around. She gave me multiple kisses across my face which was quite embarrassing, but I didn't care cos I was happy to see both of them.

I looked up and saw that both Niall's and Liam's family were present too, joyfully reuniting with their boys and crying.

Then I saw Louis, who was awkwardly standing to the side and trying his hardest to not be noticed. I frowned, just before Gemma called out.

"Hey, where is your mates family, Harry?"

She was trying to be quiet but came out just loud enough for Louis to hear and turn his head towards us, his eyes turned gold and shined brighter as they became wet and let a small tear drop leave a path on the cheek.

Gemma looked ashamed. I looked at her and just put my finger to my lips and then walked to Louis. He was on his toes.

"Louis," I said as soft as I could. "Are you okay?"

I hated asking such a simple and stupid question but I didn't know what else to possibly say with everyone standing around me.

He just lifted his head up, avoiding me with his eyes, smiled with a quiver and then let out a short and sweet "yes".

All of us in the station were gathered in a circle and talking while waiting for the train to arrive. Lou stayed completely silent, I tried to make him feel better by messing with his hair or putting my hand in his back pocket.

I felt my phone in my jacket begin buzzing. I excused myself from our group and put my phone to one ear and my finger to the other to cover up noise.


"Hello, this is One Direction, correct?"

The person on the other line was clearly masculine, I thought it was extremely odd that he would ask for if it were the entire band when I was obviously one person, what a dipshit.

"Yes, this is Harry." I tried sounding polite. "Can I help you?"

"Yes! My name is David and I work for Sony Music and Syco Records-" By this point I was sort of freaking out, I took the phone out in front of me and motioned excessively with my arm for everyone to get over here, this sounded important. I put my phone on speaker and David kept talking. "..and I was just speaking with Simon Cowell and he's told me that he wants to sign you with our record label."

I squealed. Louis looked up from the ground, astonished. Liam's face turned red as he hugged his mom. Niall jumped in the air and pumped his fist, right before turning to his brother, Greg, and giving him a huge hug. My mum and Gemma hugged me at once.

David talked some more but to be honest I didn't really care about what he was saying- I just held the phone between us as we all spoke into and agreed to the signing.

I waited until I hung up to scream. We all screamed, then we all ran into towards each other, grabbing one another in our arms and holding, feeling ecstatic and completely overwhelmed. Our mums and dads kept saying how proud they were and congratulating us, kissing our foreheads.

Then I grabbed Louis and shoved my head to his shoulder, smiling and crying and feeling so extremely emotional and like everything had just come together perfectly and everything felt great.

The moments in which there's nothing in the entire world that could ruin that moment are the best- because right now I was with exactly who I wanted to be with and had just experienced possibly the most amazing thing in my entire life that has ever and will ever come to be.

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