Chapter Thirty Eight

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Nothing was getting better. Which was pretty bad, knowing the fact that the fans knew absolutely nothing and were going on happily as we just released our new Take Me Home album just a few days back(Which had included some lovely lyrics I heard Louis singing in the shower).We acted normal and happy and fun in all our interviews but when we got back home we were a wreck.

Months had passed.

Liam couldn't have been more upset with us. He looked stressed out, though we only saw him when he came out of his room to get food, or sometimes he would just grab his jacket and walk out the door, he'd go out driving or walking by himself and not return for a couple hours.

However, I didn't blame him for avoiding us for a few days. I didn't think he was overreacting at all, either; he was the one in the band that held everything together, and to have found out that we were keeping things from him that we merely shouldn't of, caused him to snap.

Niall tried his hardest to communicate with us, but it was awkward. He could only get out partial sentences before his voice starting cracking- it was hard for him to look at us, the poor boy didn't understand. Today, which was our last day we had off before returning to the studio to write and record and plan and schedule and blah blah blah, Niall had the flu really bad. He'd been in his room all day, coughing and blowing his nose and swearing and on and off sleeping.

Lou had went out to get him some medicine, but had been gone for almost two hours now and I was starting to wonder.

I was laying on the floor in our bedroom, between our two beds, feet crossed up on top of the dresser, and hands resting on my chest. I was staring at the ceiling, singing.

I was bored, yet being alone and bored beats running from people continuously trying to murder you. I smiled.

Within the next few minutes, I heard the front door unlock. It startled me to twist over on my side, and look to the bedroom door. I listened to footsteps prancing in the entry way, then the sound of keys falling to the ground, then some thick British cursing. Louis was home.

I sat up from the floor, getting up and walking towards the door, but Louis opened it up before I could. "Harry!" He shouted, as if he were surprised I were here.

"Shh, you're gonna wake up Niall, you fuckass." I shushed him, then pushed passed him into the hallway. "He'll get really grumpy and pissy if he's awake."

"Okay, okay, but I got something for us." He clenched his fists and bounced his voice with excitement.

Before I said anything, he turned around and went back towards the front entry and picked up a rather large, raggedy box with holes in the top and sides. He bit his lip, trying to hold in a smile.

I was in the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of tea. He put the box down on the couch, and hurried me over.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it," He said, presenting it to me. I was scared to open it, thinking about the possibilities that there could be a bomb inside.

I leaned in to sniff it, whatever was inside smelled like dirt. But then I began hearing something, a small heartbeat.

"Oh, my god, Louis, did you-" My sentence was interrupted by my gasp as the box began shaking.

Just as I reach my hands to open the flaps of the box, they top lifts itself up as a small dog pops its head up from the center of the box, and props himself up by his paws on the wall of the box. His floppy tongue was dripping an enormous amount of spit from its tongue, and was breathing harshly and happily.

"Louis! Where did you find it?! What the fUck did you put it in a boX?!" I threw my arms up, almost spilling my tea.

"Chill, Harold," He laughed, picking up the animal from its underarms and then cradling in his arms. "He's an Akita pup, his name is Oops." The dog licked his face and Louis gigged. "And I didn't find him, I bought him for us, from the pet store."

I grunted. "What for? Louis, you know we're never home and even planning on a second world tour soon, we can't take care of it!"

"Oops can come with us!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, my god." I held my face in my hand.

Louis put him on the floor. Oops began running around, exploring the house.

"Louis-" I said, feeling a lump in my throat as I sat down on the couch. "I don't think you see how stressed I am. I'm close to death, don't you see that? I'm frustrated and I'm tiered. I can't have this." I felt like I was going to cry. The bubbling amounts of pressure had built up inside of me so much ever since the first tour started, and now I had just let it all go.

"I'm sick, I want to go home." I cried, putting my head down on Louis lap. My nose began to run and my head hurt and my ears became plugged and the behind my eyes were sore. I sobbed, breathing harder and choking and feeling like I could just die right there in his arms.

My breath was shuddered and he put his hands in my hair and tried calming me down, but there was nothing he could do. "I wish I was at home- at home with my mum and my sister and we were all normal and everything was normal, I hadn't come to XFactor and I wouldn't be here, feeling like I am to die." I sniffed, then coughed up more tears.

Louis tried helping with a kiss, but soon after his lips touched mine I pushed him away. He looked offended. "I love you, Louis, but I don't need this right now. I need home. I'm home sick, and I have a feeling I'm not gonna see my home before my death." Just the thought made my stomach hurt and I cried harder, I wanted to rip my hair out.

Oops hopped up on the couch beside me, and walked onto Louis' thigh and sat. I brought my head up enough to see him, and he began to whimper and his eyes sparkled. He crawled down onto his stomach and buried his face in his paws, looking like he was about to start crying too.

I wiped my nose. Never in my life had I felt so worthless. I'd realized the fact that everything was coming to an end but I wanted to fight anyways, but now I didn't see the point. All I saw was myself absolutely ruining everything else ahead of us. Liam hated us, Niall avoided us. It was a fucking mess.

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