Chapter Forty Six

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We watched Dylan bury Logan.

It was agonizing, morbid to watch. He cried. We all were crying. This was pain that not even the most of supernatural powers could heal.

I held onto to Louis, who hadn't said a word. It was raining, we were back in London and has gathered around the woods behind our condos, under the largest tree in the center of it all.

Dylan wasn't mad at us. He was sad that Logan was gone, sad that he was alone, sad that he couldn't be there for him.

5 hours until our show.

Logan was fully covered, Dylan backed away from him. Louis stepped forward and took his hands, began to make a sphere out of them and sparks flew between his fingers. The sparks circled and morphed into a blood rose, one that he set on the head of his grave.

We all prayed around it. I cried, my tears dampened the soil and sunk deep beneath to where he lay.

I hated to cry, crying made me feel weak. Logan was, however, very innocent and worth my tears.

I should've listened to him, was all I was thinking. I thought that being the Alpha, I would know more than him, I would be able to keep him safe. And I hadn't. I killed him.

I cried on Louis' shoulder. He held my waist and cried with me.


Sadly, this wasn't the first time we had to just move on from someone's death.

Louis drove Dylan back to his house and we said goodbye.

I gave him a hug and told him to stay safe. I was walking down his steps back to the car with the rest of the boys, and he stopped me.

"Hey, Harry?"

I looked back at him over my shoulder. "Hm?"

"Thank you."

I smiled, turning to face him. "You're welcome."

I was just about to leave back into the car when he came running to me and wrapped me in his arms, softly crying into the pocket of my shoulder.

"Really, thank you. For everything. I'm sorry that I ever was rude to you, ever doubted you. I can't thank you enough."

With my arms around him, I was able to take his emotional pain away. He was warm, though he was sad.

"I must go," I finally whispered to him.

He nodded. "Come home safe, Harry. With all the boys. I want to see your faces again."

"Of course."

And with that, I was back in the car, back in tears. I wiped my face as I strapped myself in, sitting back against the headrest and feeling the world pass in slow motion.

"Harry," Liam put his hand on my shoulder. "We don't have to do the show, a lot has happened today and we all are okay if you're not up for it."

I sighed. "No, I have to. If we skip then we'll be all over all the news headlines tomorrow. People will be questioning us even more. I also can't let the girls down."

"They'll understand," He said.

"We're doing the show."


We arrived in Glasgow with just under 4 hours until the show begins. I felt sick in the pit of my stomach, it was sore and I just sort of wanted to curl up and hide away and wait for my life to be over.

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