Chapter Twenty Two

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It surprised me that Louis hadn't let even a single tear drop bounce from his cheeks since last night. We sat criss cross on the floor, side by side, folding out belongings and packing up so we could finally head home.

In my head, I imagined the four of us crying as we slowly parted and simply forgot each other, which I wasn't looking forward to. There wasn't much thought in my head, just annoyance towards the pounding rain drops against the glass outside.

Me and Louis were alone. The other boys were out getting a quick few things before we left.

"Harry, don't be sad." Lou chimed. It was extremely hard not to be sad when hearing the sound of his charming voice in sympathy for me, but I still seemed to be. I weeped to myself and ignore him.

He kissed my forehead. "It's not bad, it's not bad at all. The four of us won't disappear, I promise you. In fact, we'll do anything but. I know."

"How would you know?" I sniffed.

"Because," He smiles and gazes above my head. "We've come so far with so many supporters, it's would be difficult for us not to. Plus, I can see things that no one else can, Harry." He tapped the side of his head with his pointer finger and raised his eyebrows.

I giggled. "You're dumb."

"Sorta," He replied, crawling across the floor like a dog and sitting directly in front of me. He took his fingers and played with the strands of hair hanging messily over my eyes for a bit, twisting his fingers up in them like yarn.

Then, he brought himself closer until he was sitting on my lap, and had both his legs wrapped around my torso. His hands were gripping the skin on my face.

He was such a fucking dipshit. But he was cute so I put my hands in his pants and kissed his nose.

This made him giggle a bit. He wrapped the little loose strands hanging from my sweater around his tiny hands before dragging them up into the shirt and onto my chest, tickling my ribs and scratching my collar.

"We are gonna be okay, you know that, Harry?" He spoke with assurance, nodding his head.

"Okay," I smiled, then gave him a sloppy kiss right on his lips, running my fingers against the rim of his jawline as he smiled back.

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