Chapter Fifteen

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Our next performances flew by. We were pretty god damn unstoppable, One Direction had just been smashing the stage and eliminating acts one at a time.

One day, we were all in the house laying around because we had a day off. It was a beautiful day outside, the sky looked soft with just the perfect amount of grey clouds suck in their places right above head.

I decided I was going to go for a walk, fore it had been nice enough outside and one of my only days to be off and resting my voice.

My clothes that day consisted of white tennis shoes with my only pair of khakis rolled up just above my ankles, and a blue sweater to hang over my grey t-shirt. My hair was effortlessly done.

I shoved my hands deep into my pockets and walked slowly out onto the streets of town. I had gotten used to the way every single little sound had become a million times louder in my ears, I could hear footsteps and zippers and phones buzzing from very far away.

I was stopped during my walk every now and then from young girls, holding phone and notebooks for me to sign. They had complimented my voice and even my looks after they took photos with me. It definitely felt different to be stopped by people on a typical day, but also made me feel more proud than ever in myself.

When it had been maybe a little over an hour, I decided to needed a quick rest. There were no benches around for whatever reason, so I just leaned up against a brick wall next to a back alley.

I was just about to get up and leave when something grabbed me and pulled me back. It was definitely a person, who had grabbed my mouth to keep my from screaming and used their other arm to wrap around my entire body and drag me backwards.

I kicked and I let out muffled screams through their sweaty fingers. I felt more angry than scared, rustling around in the guys arms and letting myself change into a werewolf.

Hair grew down my face and my teeth became fangs. My eyes had that certain flash to them, and my fingernails were long for me to bring my arms up and sink them into the mans arms flesh.

He screamed in pain, dropping me. I fell to the hard cement floor, but regained strength and stood right back up. The guy was hard to see, because there was barely any sunlight in the place he had taken me.

I stepped closer, he came towards me and tried to wrestle me to the floor but I kicked him so he fell right now onto the hard, cold, ground.

He groaned, holding himself. By this time, I was able to see exactly who the person was- and it was probably the last person I would ever expect to see.

"Zayn..?" I whispered.

He didn't answer. He stood up as quick as he could and came in real close to me. "You did this, you did this to me.." He had lots of trouble getting the words out.

I noticed that his face was pale and there were lots of deep cuts in his face. He was standing before me with awful posture, like it was impossible for his muscles to hold him up correctly.

There was blood dripping from his mouth and tears streaming from his eyes. "You fucking did this," He pushed on my chest with no strength at all.

I pushed his hand away from me and began running as fast as I could, I was scared at this point and very, very, confused. 

I didn't have a doubt that that had been really Zayn though, no one else would've known who I was to pull me into a back alley. Even though his face looked rough I could still see the usual features.

He did look dead, though. I could see pure death underneath his skin and behind his eyes.

I ran, I ran right out of the alley and just around the corner just before I was stopped again. I was changed back to my normal self by now, and once I stopped I let out a high pitched scream that could be heard miles away.

"Harry! What the hell is wrong? What's going on?"

My lungs felt shattered, I stopped to have a quick breath.

"Louis," I cried. "Louis, how did you find me?"

"I heard your heartbeat, I felt the horror emotion filling up inside you, I couldn't help but come find you. Please tell me what's happened,"

I took a moment to debate if I should really tell him, but I figured if there was anyone to tell, it would be Louis.

"It was Zayn," I was still out of breath.

"Zayn?" He asked, the expression on his face getting darker and more confused.

"Yes," I spoke in sections because I kept having to catch my breath over and over. "I was walking and- and he pulled me back into the- the alley over here, and he said something, he told me something like 'You did this to me' he was telling me that I had hurt him."

Louis cocked his head to the side, looking puzzled.

"Well, are you alright at least?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm just scared for what the fuck just happened."

Louis nodded. "We will figure it out. I'm sure he is just speaking nonsense and is out of his fucking mind, right now."

"Are we gonna go back and get him?"

"No, no of course not." He put his hands on his hips. "Let's just get you home and hope we never see him again."

Louis put his arm around my shoulders, scaring me at first but then giving me the chance to relax. I put my arm around his waist, making him smile at me.

He had a real elegant smile, it was certainly fragile and warm to even look to.

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