Chapter Seven

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"Simon, we are very sorry but Harry here seems to be sick and I think I'll take him back to the house and comfort him." Niall spoke to Simon as I listened in behind the door. I was back to normal now, looking as my usual self but still feeling quite anxious.

"Sick? What's he have?" Simon spoke sternly.

"Uh, he has, er-" Niall stuttered. "Jungle worms."

Oh my fucking Lord, Niall.

"Jungle worms? Niall I think that you-"

"No, no, it's a serious condition. He's definitely gonna be out today and possibly tomorrow. But no need to worry, we will both be back before the performance."

"Niall, I'm-"

"No, it's okay, Simon, I'm gonna take care of him. It'll be alright." Niall talked quick as he started walking backwards towards the door.

"Alright." Simon finally agreed. He probably wasn't even fully willing to let us go, he was probably just tired of Niall's shit.

"Thanks very much, and we will be back soon!"

"Just leave, Niall."

"Yes sir, will do sir."

Niall leaped across the room and out the door and found me. I stood up talk to him, angered but still being as quiet as possible when snapped at him.

"What the hell was that Niall?! Jungle Worms? Really?"

"Hey, you're lucky I got your ass out of there and that Louis and Liam promised not to say anything about this afternoon. If anything, you should be thanking me!" He spoke in a very loud harsh whisper.



Back at the house, Ni pulled out his MacBook computer and went straight to Google. He typed in 'Werewolf'.

This whole thing felt extremely weird and strange. I mean, werewolves were mythical creatures that certainly didn't hang around in London. And after a few days, I possibly am turning into one because some psycho bit me?

Some of it did seem to make sense, though, the part about Zayn freaking out that night, especially when I mentioned the full moon. Then, he bit me, and now I look almost identical to the way he did.

"What's it say?" I ask, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Well, it says quite a bit. Have you experienced an enhancement of your five senses? Like, hearing and seeing better?"

I hadn't thought much about it or focused on it, but now that he's mentioned it I have been hearing most things louder than they usually would sound. As well as smell and sight, they both were more clear than they had.

"Yeah, yeah I guess so." I said.

"Here it says that an individual becomes a werewolf when bitten by either an Alpha or an Omega. When bitten, you become a part of the Alpha or Omegas pack as a Beta."

"Well, what does it say about turning? Like, you know, how I completely changed when I was sore at Louis." I ask. I am still very confused.

"Er, here it writes 'When an individuals heart beat rises or one feels stress or anger, the person will then change into a wolf.'"

"Well fuck, Ni. I can't stop my heart beat from rising or my emotions. Hell, every time I am on that damn stage the beating in my heart goes straight up and my stress is insane! I can't deal with, oh, my god I can't fucking deal-"
I stand up and pace back and forth across the living room, ripping my hair out.

I felt my muscles get sore and begin hurting, there were shocks towards the back of my head and I began sweating. I stomped around, feeling more pressure than ever. My eyes were dry, my bones stiff, there was such a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me sick.

Everything was so frustrating, everything at this point was just unbelievable and absurd and a nightmare.

"Harry- Harry calm down," Niall said, moving the laptop from his place and standing up to stop me. "It's your eyes again. They're glowing gold, the get brighter and scarier when your facial expression gives off an angry emotion."

"Gold?" Like Zayn's. Exactly like Zayn's eyes before he left to the toilet in the hotel.

"You need to calm down, really calm down. Your eyes were flowing and even your teeth were beginning to take a form of fangs. You could really hurt someone, you know?"

"Niall.." I sighed, trying to keep myself relaxed as I stopped my pacing and looked down at my feet. "I really don't want to hurt anyone, I really really just want a fucking normal life. I want to win the XFactor and move on, happily." I sniffed and began to cry. "I don't want to be like this. This is going to stop me from what I love and I can't have that."

"I know, I know." Ni leans his head into  me and rubs my shoulder. I felt horrid, Niall was trying his hardest to help even though we all knew he couldn't. "I did read that there is a way to control it, though, there is such thing as being able to only turn into a wolf when you want to."

"But Ni, that's gonna take forever to learn. I don't have any fucking time for any of this. I'm so god damn stressed I don't think you even know."

"I get it, trust me I do realize you're hurting."

No he didn't.

Niall hadn't gotten to where he is now by a sliver, just barely making it, and then having the chance ripped away from him because of something that's impossible to help. I felt like dying.

I cried some more.

After a few minutes of leaving tear drops on the shoulder of Niall's sweater, he pushed me off and stood up. "Look, Harry. You've come so damn far that it is for sure you're not giving up now. Sure, being a werewolf sucks especially when it could cost your career, but the best thing we can do right now is forget about it and just make this competition our bitch. You got it curly?"

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