Frogsitting (Rogue x Reader)

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Frosch sat on Rogue's knee and stared up at him with wide eyes. 

"I'll be back soon, okay?" He said, looking down at Frosch. He turned to face you who was standing in his apartment. You felt awkward, but you really shouldn't. You had been to his apartment to hang out many times before. But this time he wouldn't be with you. So, you stood there with your arms behind your back, twiddling your fingers because you had nothing else to do. 

"Just look after them for a few hours," Rogue said. He picked Frosch up and placed them on the floor so he could stand up. Frosch still looked up at him with wide eyes. 

"Frosch will be fine. Won't we?" You said, looking at Frosch. 

Frosch tore their eyes away from Rogue to nod at your statement. Then they moved their eyes back to stare at Rogue. 

"I've got to go now," Rogue said. He waved as he closed the door behind him, leaving you and Frosch alone in his apartment.

Rogue was going on a job with Sting and he needed someone to look after Frsoch. Normally, Frosch and Lector would go with them but since this job was more dangerous than the others, they had to stay behind. Lector was capable to look after himself. Frosch needed more supervision. You still remember the time that Frosch got lost in the city and how distraught Rogue was. So you were chosen by Frosch to supervise weird as that sounds.

You and Rogue had been spending more time together - even going on jobs together when he didn't go with Sting. And since Rogue wanted to spend more time with you, so did Frosch. 

Frosch still hadn't moved from where Rogue placed them.

"Frosch," you said.

They turned to face you, "I miss Rogue." 

You picked Frosch up and put them on the sofa. They nearly sank into the sofa.

"I know you miss Rogue, but he'll be back soon. So what do you want to do while we wait?" You asked. You decided to sit on the sofa and place Frosch on your lap so that they didn't disappear. They didn't answer you so you had to think quickly on what to do.

"Do you want to hear a story?" You asked.

Frosch nodded.

Great, now you just had to keep it going for a few hours. Frosch was engrossed in the story that you were going and was ultimately upset when you finished. You had been talking non-stop for a few hours so your throat was dry and your voice was hoarse. 

"I want a crown now," Frosch said. 

"I'll get you one, someday," you promised. You had no idea how to get a crown but you promised it to keep them happy. The door opened and Rogue entered while holding a bag of food.

"I thought you would be hungry, I know I am," he said. 

You had just finished eating and Frosch was curled up fast asleep on Rogue's lap. They had been ecstatic when he walked through the door. It had clearly wiped them out.

"I'm glad that Frosch likes you," Rouge said. 

"Yeah, me too," you said, "I'm glad we had a good time." 

"They like you almost as much as I do," he said. 

"Huh?" You said, a little shocked. What was he doing? Where was this going?

"Y/N, Will you be my boy/girlfriend?" He said quickly. He turned his head to hide a slight blush that was creeping into his cheeks. He pulled his raven-black hair over his eyes.

You leaned close you him and kissed one of his cheeks, making him go redder, "of course I will." 

"Finally," Frosch said. 

Neither one of you had realized that they had woken up. 

--I cringe. Sorry if this one is bad. And shorter than the other one. But I hope that you enjoy them anyway! Just edited a few spelling mistakes--

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