Just a Dream (Gajeel x Reader)

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Gajeel's POV:

The dreams were back, he could never run from them in his sleep. He didn't know what to think of them. Some nights they brought him peace and other times he would be awake in the night covered in a cold sweat. They were all because of you.

He would always be in a good mood after a good dream. Even snippets of past memories like your laugh would make him smile to himself. He loved the dream where you two were lost in the woods and it started raining. He remembered you trying to lead the way back but only getting more lost. He loved the part when you two were wrapped in blankets in front of the fire, getting warm and drying off. 

He remembered the dream when you took care of him when he was ill. You had told him to stay in bed but he didn't listen. 

But they weren't just dreams. They were memories. 

Little things like this was the way that he wanted to remember you, not the nightmares.

And this was a nightmare. 

"Gajeel," you croaked, your voice cracking. 

His eyes saw you, sprawled on the ground, trying to move. 

"Don't you dare," he whispered, "don't you dare move." 

He had only just defeated the monster that had attacked both of you. It had taken you two completely by surprise and you had to react quickly. You just didn't move fast enough when it's giant arm connected with your body. 

"Gajeel...I," you tried to say something but you had no idea what. 

He crouched by your side and took your hand in his. There was no way that he could save you. It would take too long to get you back to the guild. 

"Just stay here...with me," you said, "please?" 

He lifted his hand up to his lips and kissed it, your skin felt cold. But that was his promise, he would never leave you. 

Out of all of the things that you two had fought together and this was the one to defeat you. You didn't even get a chance. It wasn't fair.

He didn't want to hug you in fear of crushing you further so he just held your hand. That's all you wanted.  

Gajeel felt so empty in the double bed that you used to share. He glanced over - like he always does after a nightmare - to see if you were still there. Of course you wouldn't be but it just became a habit. When he had nightmares before about his old life, you were always there to help him, hug him, tell him that everything was alright. Now he just had to deal with it himself. 

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