New Member (Midnight x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: Minegirl1267

--I went into the shower and I forgot to take off my eyeliner but I emerged victorious! Waterproof eyeliner is great--

You weren't proud of your past. You hated all of the things that you did to prove yourself to others even when you had nothing to prove. You were strong, no doubt about it but you did all of those things for the thrill. 

And you hated it. 

Looking back to all of those times where you boasted about your 'achievements' made you sick. How could you do anything like that? But now there was a new opportunity - one where you could repent all of your sins:

Crime Sorcière.

You had joined to change your life around. If Jellal Fernandes could do it, you could too. You enjoyed this life a lot more. In the past, the only way to gain respect in your guild was to demand it but here, by making friends you could get it. 

You were only the new member for a few weeks because soon enough the guild got more members. One of which being Midnight. 

You never knew much of this mysterious man but back in the old days, you had heard much praise of him. That only fueled your desire to meet him. Now you didn't know what to think, do you still respect him for what he did or start again? 

Either way you wanted to become closer to him. One thing you noticed was that it was impossible to speak to him - he was either sleeping or not talking to anyone. But somehow, you made the first step and the friendship just flourished after that. 

Both of you had turned a new leaf and you had good things happen because of it. 

Then it hit you. Halfway through a small job you froze and suddenly realized what you felt.

You had a crush on Midnight. 

You felt someone creep up behind you, "don't worry, he does too." 

Thanks, Cobra.

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