For You (High-school AU) (Gray x Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: sarcastic_baka

--I know I shouldn't but can you guys go and check out some of my other books, if you could give feedback as well then that would be cool--

"Why do I suddenly feel nervous?" Gray asked you. He stood in front of you while you checked over his kit, making sure it was all okay. 

You shrugged, "I have no idea. But you really shouldn't worry. You'll win for sure, the other team don't stand a chance!" 

Gray smiled at you but you were to busy to realise it. Every now and then, he would get knocked back by your beauty. Today was one of those times. He didn't even know that time was passing until Natsu ran past him. Gajeel was following closely behind him and tapped Gray on the shoulder, telling him to hurry up. 

You gave a reassuring smile to Gray before walking away to your seat. Gray would win this match, you were sure of it, he was the best player around. 

"You good?" Gray heard Natsu call to him. He knew that Natsu was behind him but he was too busy admiring you from afar. I'll do it for Y/N.

Gray turned to face Natsu and nodded, "yeah I'm good."

The match then begun. 

All throughout the match you were cheering for Gray. Your voice was loud when you wanted it to be and you were sure that Gray heard you. In the last seconds, Gray scored the last points of the match, winning it for the school. You gave out one final cheer before giving out a sigh of relief. You knew he could do it. Ah, but now your throat was hoarse and you could barely speak... 

You met Gray outside the changing rooms and leaped into his arms when he emerged. He was clean and fresh after he cleaned himself up and his hair was slightly damp still. He was slightly startled at first, he didn't expect someone to bombard him with hugs when he got out. You felt his arms rest around you, he was obviously tired. 

His head rested on your shoulder and he breathed, "thank you." 

You reeled back, "why are you thanking me?" 

He paused, "let's just call it inspiration." He took your hand and you two made a slow walk back to his house. You heard that the other team members were having a party due to their victory but Gray was so wiped out and you just wanted to spend time with him. 

As you walked, you swung your arms. Gray laughed as you told jokes, replying with a few ones himself. Neither of you had anything to eat so you were both starving. This became clear when your stomach decided to demonstrate it's whale impression. 

Gray chuckled at you before opening the door to his house. The sun was setting, the orange colours bled into each other as they were swept across the sky. It was a Friday and you were both tired - something told you that you were probably going to crash at Gray's house. 

He grabbed some food from the fridge before taking you up to his room. You collapsed on his bed while Gray put the food aside on tables. He collapsed next to you and pulled you into his arms. You could feel his breath tickle your neck. 

"Why am I so tired?" He mumbled. 

"I don't know, maybe you were just running around on a field for ninety minutes," you tapped your chin. 

"Shh," Gray mumbled. He snuggled in closer to you and you could feel him yawn. "I'm just going to..." 

He was asleep. But you didn't mind. Gray was always adorable when he slept, soft snores and back hugs were what you lived for. Your stomach growled again so you munched on something that Gray had brought up.

You scrolled though your phone for a while, seeing how things were going at the party. No doubt something interesting would happen. In the reflection of your phone, you could see Gray's groggy eyes open. With a sleepy hand, he put your phone on the bed, stroked your hair and went back to sleep. You turned over so that you were now facing his chest, a new wave of tiredness hitting you. You fell asleep right then and there. 

Gray woke up to see you snuggled against him. You two were laying on the bed, in the same clothes you came back in. It was near the afternoon but Gray just put his head back down and stared at your sleeping face. Your sleepy eyes opened. In one swift move, you kissed him on the nose and then closed your eyes again. 

"I love you too," Gray mumbled. The first time he ever said it. 

"I love you too too," you muttered, just like it was something you had been doing for ages.

Gray laughed, "you said tutu." 

You poked him in the chest, "I hate you."  


Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя