Thunderstorms (Laxus x Reader)

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Another clap of thunder sent you reeling to the corner of the Guild Hall. It was a gloomy day so a lazy atmosphere hung over the Fairy Tail Members. Most turned their heads to the rain and thunder that rumbled overhead. The occasional crack of lightning could be seen through the windows but this would make you cower more. 

You never liked thunderstorms. The loud sounds and flashing lights were too much for you. You glanced around and saw people playing games to pass the time. Mira was handing out hot drinks to people who wanted them. You saw steam rise from the mugs and wished that you could go get one. But, you were glued to the corner in fear of the thunder. 

There was another rumble of thunder, louder than the last, which made you jump. You glanced around and hoped that no one was staring at you. But your eyes locked with some one else's. Laxus. 

You quickly hid your face. If he saw that you were afraid of thunderstorms then you would never hear the end of it. 

You jumped slightly as you felt some one sit next to you. 

"Afraid of thunder?" He asked. 

You slowly nodded your head in response. A coat was draped around your shoulders. It was still warm and you wondered how it would help. You could still hear the thunder and the rain lashing down on the streets outside. A pair of headphones were placed on your head. They muffled the sound so it was like a little whisper in the wind. You looked up and smiled at Laxus as a 'thank you'. He nodded in reply as he stood up to walk away. 

He didn't stay with you for long but at least he helped. 

A white mug was placed in front of you, steam floating from it. Laxus then sat opposite you and he gestured to the mug, knowing that you couldn't hear him. You pulled the mug closer to you and took small sips from the drink. Then, he left and you sat at your table, happily enjoying the thunderstorm without being scared to death. But then you wondered; 'how to return his things?' 

Maybe he'll let you keep them for a bit longer...

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now