Lone Survivor (Erza x Reader) (Apocalypse AU)

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She moved flawlessly like a figure skater on ice as she sliced through the infected mass with a rusty kitchen knife. Her clothes were ripped and caked in dirt as well as it being spattered by old blood stains - from her and various other people. Her crimson hair, although tied up so it didn't obstruct her view, whipped around her as she moved. Her features were sharp and she glared at every single one of her victims, even if they couldn't comprehend it.

Her targets were those taken by the dreaded plague. The plague swept the whole world in only a few days. It spread through the air, through water, with animal carriers - anything could hold it, but it only affected humans. However, since it only affected humans, it could only be passed along by humans.

The disease was first detected in the water and it alarmed scientists due to its sheer strength. They didn't know what to do with it, so they decided to run some tests. First of all, they tested on animals and there was no result, so clearly there was nothing to be worried about, right?

They had no idea that they had unleashed the plague by continuing their tests on a human.

Their human test subject had fallen fast and they were quickly swamped with symptoms and side effects of the disease. They lost the first subject within a few days of testing and a few days after that, the test subject returned, but not in the same state.

Images of the test subject were shown on the news as soon as the news companies could get a hold of the story. Horrifying images of a rotting corpse were shared around the internet, along with videos of it moving and running towards others.

It was only a matter of time before half of the world became infected as the first person bit another and so on and so forth.

It was hard to believe that you were living in a zombie apocalypse.

Erza glanced over at you and her eyes widened in fear. She forcefully pushed one of the living corpses back and lunged forward to try and reach you.

You whipped your head around to see at least three of the infected stumbling towards you. They had no life in their eyes, and the only thing that seemed to be working was their stomachs. Even their limbs had flaws, one of their legs dragged across the pavement, while the fingers of another twitched uncontrollably.

You ducked out of the way as one reached for you and you dodged out of the way as another lunged for you. Backing up, you frantically looked around the street for some sort of weapon. Erza was using her knife as the infected had begun to swarm her again.

Your eyes landed on a baseball bat on the street. You weren't surprised to see it there; many people used various weapons in order to survive even if those weapons weren't always effective. Either way, with a burst of adrenaline, you pounced on the bat and held it up for defence. The zombies growled and gurgled before they stumbled towards you once more.

As they drew closer, you swung the bat wildly, only striking one of them around the head. They crashed to the floor, but then proceeded to crawl towards you. You stumbled backwards, trying to avoid their rotting fingers, but you tripped and fell over yourself. You had made a massive mistake...

You had met Erza while with a group of your friends, who had all been claimed by the swarm of zombies. She was also accompanied by some friends, and they survived the initial meeting. However, it was only a matter of time before they were all taken.

The two of you had grown closer as time passed. She understood your pain and you understood her's. It was the two of you against the world.

That was until an expedition to go out and get more supplies.

The zombie on the floor clutched your ankle, their fingers digging into your flesh. You cried out in pain and your heartbeat began to thunder in your ears. You were rooted to the spot.

"Y/N!" Erza cried. She shoved another zombie off her and tried to run towards you, but another jumped atop her back, shoving her into the floor. A cry escaped her lips as her head struck the pavement. Her eyelids fluttered and you thought that she would pass out for a second. Her eyes widened suddenly and she wrestled the infected off her. Throwing it to the side, she scrambled to her feet and sprinted towards you.

She plunged her rusted knife into the back of a zombie and swiftly removed it as it fell to its knees. She turned on the spot and struck another zombie. The one on the floor crawled closer and closer towards your leg with an iron grip, meaning that you couldn't shake it free.

Teeth sunk into your leg and you felt blood trickle down your ankle. Pain shot through you, the site immediately throbbing. You fell to your knees, not able to support your own weight. The zombie continued to munch away at your flesh.

Everything seemed to slow...

Erza screamed as she saw you fall. In a fit of rage, she dug the knife deep into the neck of the one eating you. She grabbed the shirt of the zombie and threw them to the side.

Gripping your arm, she tugged at it, trying to get you to stand.

"I can't get up, Erza. There's a massive fucking hole in my leg!" You yelled, frustrated.

She choked on some tears, "no there isn't, Y/N...no there isn't..." She was in denial about the whole thing. You cursed internally, if only you hadn't been so stupid to trip over. "Y/N, you're fine. We can go back to the base and...and...and..."

Tears spilled over her eyes and some dripped onto your arm. The salty liquid ran down your dirty arm.

"Erza, there's no hope for me, just go. Save yourself!" You urged her.

She continued to tug on your arm. From around the side of her, you could see the infected begin to rise to their feet. "You don't die for your friends, you live for them!"

The corners of your vision started to blur and your hearing grew weaker, but you could still hear her cries.

"Y/N! NO!"

From that moment on, she was the lone survivor.

She saw the life fade from your eyes. She ceased all screaming as your eyes closed. She let one last solitary tear trickle down her cheek. She didn't even get the chance to tell you that she loved you.

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon