Clash of the Thundeleigon (Laxus x Reader x Bickslow)

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--Does anyone like them??? Let's find out shall we--

It was just another job that you were working together. But now, Laxus was back, and he was back in the guild for good. Everything was back to normal. The Thunderleigon was together and everything seemed good again. Although you could sense a tension between Bickslow and Laxus that was never there before. 

And you weren't the only one to notice it. 

Evergreen could feel it but Freed, as smart as he is, was oblivious to it. 

It was painful to watch them glare at each other from across the table. You were staying at a local inn and the dinners that you had together were just not the same as usual. Laxus was sat at the head of the table, like always, that hadn't changed. Evergreen and Freed were next to him on little benches. You were next to Freed and Bickslow was next to Evergreen. 

Bickslow and Laxus never used to be like this but something had clearly happened and you weren't aware of it. You didn't think that Freed was either but that was beside the point. But Evergreen clearly knew and she was getting angrier with each passing second of their pettiness. 

Finally she slammed her hands onto the table, "for goodness sake! Just tell Y/N already! This is turning into a really awkward dinner and if either one of you come to me to rant about the other I swear I will blow!" 

That sent a silence over the table. They broke their glare and looked around awkwardly at the table. 

"Tell me what?" You asked. 

Evergreen sat down in her seat again and sighed. 

"What's going on? Laxus?" Freed asked, finally noticing something that was going on. 

"Y/N," Laxus said first then paused. 

Bickslow moved in while Laxus was pausing, "you see Y/N..." 

They glared at each other again before both saying, "I really like you."

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