I'm Sick, I Swear! (Modern AU) (Sick!Rogue x Doctor!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: Juliamigielska8

He was back again, Rogue. 

He sat opposite your desk and coughed into his hand. Then he glanced up and looked at your expression. You weren't impressed. 

Rogue had been in every day for the past week, complaining that he was ill so that you would pay more attention to him. You had taken care of him a few months ago when he was seriously ill. He had been extremely grateful and now didn't leave you alone. 

"Rogue," you started and then sighed, "I don't think you're ill." 

His eyes widened, "but I am! My chest hurts and I'm sneezing everywhere!" 

You sighed again. You grabbed your stethoscope and stood up from your chair, "let's check your breathing then." 

There was a slight smile on Rogue's face as he stood up. You placed the stethoscope on his chest and heard his breathing. Everything was fine. 

You stood back and studied him, "everything is fine. And you don't look ill." 

"You never know," he said quickly. 


"Y/N," he mocked. "Ill people need constant supervision - from six tonight and onwards."

You rolled your eyes, "I thought it was eight. When I actually finish work." 

He grinned, "yep! Sick people need to be looked after from eight onwards."

--It's small but I hope you liked it!--

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