The Big Bad Wolf (Modern AU) (Werewolf!Gajeel x Reader)

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You drew in a deep breath and continued to take long strides down the dark street. The wind whispered in the night, bringing anxiety with it. You were being followed. No matter how stealthy they thought they were, you knew. The deep pit in your stomach only just confirmed your suspicions. 

The moon was shining down on you, illuminating just one part of the vast, inky black sky. It cast shadows around you, reflecting them on the glistening street. You had taken out your headphones a while ago when you first began to suspect something was wrong. Now the only sound that you could hear was your footsteps, seeming louder than ever, and your heartbeat thumping in your ears.

Your house wasn't that far away. Maybe if you walked quickly you could get there faster and they would leave you alone? No, they would figure out your reasons. You would have to act like you were fine. You mentally cursed yourself. Why did you stay out later than usual? 

Another pair of footsteps started to walk in stride behind you. They were close now. 

"Why are you running away?" A deep voice asked behind you. 

You quickened your pace, desperate to get away.

"You can't run from me," they shouted to you. 

Then you did something stupid. Something impulsive. You swiveled around where you stood and glared at them. Their red eyes twinkled with mischief but there was something else behind them: mystery. This was no ordinary person. Their black hair ran down their back, looking like a mane from a lion. It looked silky and well groomed. 

"Who are you?" You spat. You wanted to leave as quickly as possible. 

A smirk crossed his face, "I'm the Big Bad Wolf." 

You narrowed your eyes at them, "and that means what?" 

The smirk fell from his face but then he quickly replaced it again. "Y/N L/N."

You had no idea how he knew your name but you couldn't let your shock show. 

"Y/N L/N," he repeated, "It means you shouldn't trust me, I'm dangerous. But you will anyway because you know you want to." 

You continued to glare at him. All you wanted now was a big tub of ice cream and your bed. 

"You can't deny it, Y/N. You'll soon become interested. After all, I know you've always wanted a life full of wonder and fantasy." 

You cursed him, he knew. A life full of fantasy was all you've ever wanted. This, however, was not the way you wanted it. 

He turned on his heels and began to walk away. He held up five fingers and one by one, he put them down. You wondered what he was doing and then it hit you, he was counting down. You started to think rapidly, ice cream or fantasy? Did they even have ice cream where he was from?

The last finger was put down and he stopped. He looked over his shoulder to lock eyes with you. One foot was cautiously placed forward and a grin formed on his face. You placed the other foot forward and slowly, you started to walk over to him. You wondered if you would ever go back home - maybe not. 

He moved his head back as you were next to him. You felt a giant hand engulf yours as he gently walked with you down the street, back the way you came. You moved your hand out of his and stuffed both of your hands in the pockets of your hoodie. He just continued walking. Was this the best decision? Only time can tell...

--I don't know what this is but I just had an idea. So roll with it, okay? I know what I'm doing--

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