Never Forget (Modern AU) (Mira x Dead!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: daleketchup 

She watched your coffin lower into the ground with an emotionless face. Her tears had already been spent, crying over you for the past few days. Her white hair was tied back so it didn't obstruct her view and she wore a dress of pitch black. 

You had lived a good life with Mira, so really she had nothing to be sad about knowing that you were the happiest that you could ever be. But still, your passing came quite suddenly and it shook the family. 

Mira felt her hand being grabbed by her youngest. Her hand was cold and so was Mira's. Her other two children stood beside her, both watching as their other parent got lowered into the ground. 

It was long after the funeral and Mira still hadn't moved an inch. Her children had already moved away, unable to look at the coffin any more. The rest of the crowd had also left even though some stayed longer than others. 

Mira wanted to stay with you for as long as possible. She knew this day would have to come around but she never wanted to face it. She took a deep breath and sat on the hard, dry floor. Her fingers twiddled in her lap as she thought of the right words to use. 

"I hope you were happy with us, Y/N," she began, "we really did have a good life together, didn't we? Remember how we met? I can't forget it and it seems like yesterday. But it was at least twenty years ago, wasn't it?" 

She paused, as if waiting for a reply that you couldn't give, "have we really been married that long? I can remember that day clearly, the way you looked at me as I walked up the aisle," she sighed, "I wish I could relive it." 

She paused again before continuing, a sad smile on our face, "and our children! They're going to grow so much! Can you believe it? I can remember when they were tiny, don't you? I miss you, Y/N. I really do, even if you've only been gone for a few weeks, it feels like something has been taken from me that can't be replaced. We'll meet again, won't we? Perhaps in another life, but always together!" 

Closing her eyes, she spoke her last words to you, "I love you, Y/N, never forget."

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