Miracle (Demon!Gajeel x Reader)

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Sighing, I gathered up all my books - they varied in size, thick and thin, wide and slim and they all varied in purpose. I had spent an afternoon stuck in the library, revising over my notes so that I didn't get distracted and start to procrastinate at home. I had big thick textbooks that were filled with sticky-notes and highlighter pen as well as small fictional books for when I needed a little break. I shoved the books in my backpack, zipped it up and hauled it onto my back.

I slotted the headphones into the port and scrolled through my music for a song. I hoped that my phone would hold out for the walk home, it was low on percentage since I had used it throughout the day for extra notes.

"Are you about to leave?" Mavis asked in a hushed whisper, glancing up at me from her book. She had just spent the entire day curled up in a chair, reading her book. It was clearly obvious that I was about to leave, why would I sit and study with all my books in my bag? I nodded in response and put an earbud in my ear. "In that weather?"

My e/c eyes followed her blonde head to the window on the other side of the library.

Rain lashed down on the pavement outside. The wind threw the precipitation in all directions, making it almost impossible to see far out the window due to the blankets of rain. My face fell as I watched some poor soul struggle with an umbrella and then stumble backwards from the wind.

Should I call someone? Would anyone be available? I sighed once more, accepting the fact that no one would want to come out in this weather to pick up someone like me. In harsh winds like that, it would almost double the time it would normally take to get home. I could stay and wait for the rain to subside...but I had no phone charger, no Wi-Fi, no food - I would much rather go home. And when I did return home, soaked (it's bound to happen), I could have a nice shower and relax slightly. I internally snorted at my own thought. Relax? In my house? I think not...

I have a younger brother...and an older brother, I'm the middle child. My younger brother is energetic, always looking for a way to amuse himself. He's loud, giggly and always clings to my leg whenever I get home. Zeref, my older brother, isn't as bad as my younger one, Natsu. Sure, Zeref can be a bit moody, but he is sweet, kind and caring - but he can't cook for shit so always leaves me to cook for the family. Our parents are out a lot, leaving us alone most of the time. We're old enough to know how to survive, the other two just dump the responsibilities on me.

"I can brave it," I said, hopeful. Maybe if I said it aloud then I could actually walk through the hellish weather?

I was wrong.

As soon as I stepped out of the comfort of the warm library, I was battered with the howling wind. I stumbled sideways and grabbed the wire of my headphone as it was blown out of my ear. I shoved it back in, pulled up the hood of my coat and trudged through the rain.

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя