Flashbacks (Natsu x Fiance!Fem!Reader)

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Ideas/Requested by: TurtleLover618

--I've broken my gender neutral rule!!!! I'm so sorry!!!--

Y/N's POV:

A deep pit was forming in the center of my stomach. Either the butterflies were fluttering or something was seriously wrong...

I knew I shouldn't act like this. Natsu and I have known each other since the dawn of time, or so it seems. Best friends for ages and now this. 

I take a deep breath and try to calm down. Natsu was waiting for me. I knew my face was flushing red right now, I could only imagine what it would be like when I got there. I smooth out my white dress, making sure it was perfect. I feel a veil being placed on my head, no doubt by my Maid of Honour, Lucy. 

Mira smiles at me from across the room, "he's waiting." 

"I know he is," I mumble, taking a deep breath once again. 

"He's going to love you," Levy states.

"He already does," Lucy points out, putting her hands on my arms and resting her head on my shoulder. She picks up my left hand and examines the ring on my hand, "how did he even ask you?" 

"Under the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree," I state. 

Natsu can be really thoughtful when he wants to be. Like tonight. Just a simple date - or so I thought - but no. We turn up to the Rainbow Cherry Blossom tree and it's in full bloom. No one is around, which is a surprise - I thought the whole guild would be down here. The tree sparkles in the moonlight and I stare up in awe, not realizing that Natsu has set down a picnic blanket and basket. That's a bit unusual - I though picnics were meant for day. However, I quickly learnt never to question anything since I was with Natsu. 

I sit next to him and he pulls me closer.

The soft breeze shakes a few flowers from the tree loose and they float down to us like feathers. They illuminate the way as they go, some glowing like fire, others can be as blue as the ocean. 

"Hey, Y/N?" He asks, he's never usually this quiet. 

"Yeah, Natsu?" I breathe. 

"I have something I need to tell you," he says.

"I love you," he says now, "and I want you to marry me." 

I stifle a laugh as I stand before him, "well I wouldn't be up here if I didn't love you." 

He grins at me.

"I do, Natsu."

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