Glowing Cuddles (Sting x Reader)

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That was your last thought before your vision was shrouded in darkness and everything became cold.


Distant voices were whispering but you couldn't make out what they were saying. All you could think about was how comfortable you were - as if you were wrapped in clouds! You didn't want to move from where you were. 

"Y/N?" You heard a voice whisper as if it was too hard to say your name.

You recognized this voice, it sounded so close. Warmth spread in your body when they spoke. It felt like a cold winter's night sat next to a fire place, so relaxing. 

"Y/N?" They said again. It sounded louder and it felt like it was getting closer. The voice was now stern, as if they had found their voice. 

"Please, wake up Y/N," they pleaded. Their voice had left them near the end of what they were saying and you felt something drip on to your cheek. You felt the warm liquid roll down your face. 



Light once again greeted your vision in the form of a person. He had scrunched his eyes shut as tears trickled down his face. His blond hair was sticking up wildly in places as if it was left for days and his clothes were crumpled. He was sat on the end of your bed and kept mouthing a name. Your name. 

"Sting?" You croaked. What happened to him? What happened to you? You had looked down to where you were. You were resting in a bed in a cosy room. It certainly wasn't your room so it must have been Sting's. 

His eyes flashed open and locked on to yours. Then something happened that you did not expect...

His whole body started to glow. He was surrounded by white light that radiated from his body. He wrapped his arms around you, "you're here! You were unconscious for days but now you're here!" 

That long? You were out for that long?

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I should've helped you," he said. The light around him seemed to flicker as if it was about to go out at any minute. That couldn't happen, you wouldn't let it. You can't live in a world without any light. 

"It's okay. I'm here now, I just didn't expect it to be that strong," you cooed, stroking his hair. He seemed to relax in your touch and the light glowed again, brighter this time. His arms gripped you tighter, never wanting to let you go again, just like how you never wanted the light to fade. 

--I finished it! It might not be amazing but I can always go back and edit if I need to. Remember to leave requests if you have any!--

Fairy Tail x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now