Ethereal Love (Ghost!Natsu x Reader) (Modern AU)

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How did I ever fall in love with a human?

It all happened so suddenly - we went from friends to saying those three words in the space of a few months.

I have to admit, I was skeptical when someone moved into my house. I died here, weren't they bothered by that? Weren't they bothered with the fact that so many people have moved out because of me?

Clearly not.

I was so used to being alone that having another person in the house shocked me. They used to talk to themself as they completed various tasks, that was, until I finally decided to make myself known.

They were a little shocked at first, but they grew used to me, and soon we were firing jokes at each other throughout the day.

"Natsu," Y/N mumbled, half asleep. "Is there any way for you to be alive again?"

Y/N was tucked up in bed, snuggled close to blankets. Their eyes were closed, but they weren't fully asleep. Y/N made a habit of going to bed as late as possible so that they could spend as much time as possible awake with me since I had no need for sleep.

It was a stupid thing to do and I kept insisting that Y/N needed sleep, but they never listened to me.

Floating down to the empty space next to them, I sighed and looked over at them. A piece of h/c hair fell down over their face. I reached out to tuck it behind their ear, but my hand passed straight through them and made them shiver.

I retracted my hand, "I don't think so, Y/N." They cracked an eye open to glance at me; I averted my gaze and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm dead, remember?"

"That doesn't mean we can't properly be together," they countered, closing their eye again.

"You're not coming over to this side," I said sternly, gritting my teeth together.

Y/N let out a small laugh, "I wouldn't do that. I would miss food too much." I smiled, at least they have their priorities straight. "Natsu," they sighed, "how did you die?"

I gulped, "well, I mean, it could have been a heart attack."

"You died at the age of twenty-two, Natsu," they stated, "I doubt it was a heart attack."

I shuffled around onto my side. "It was a robbery...and as I tried to stop them, they pulled out a knife." A shiver passed through me as Y/N tried to put their hand on mine, it fell through my form, but the gesture was still there.

"And you still haven't been able to move on?"

"It wasn't a natural death, Y/N. I wasn't happy for ages until I met you."

Y/N smiled at me, opening their eyes by a tiny amount. "I love you, Natsu. I'm glad I can make you happy." Y/N suddenly stuck out their bottom lip and muttered, "I wish I could kiss you."

"No, I love you more, Y/N," I countered.

"Your facts are wrong," they grumbled. "Maybe, I can wish for you to be human, as a Christmas miracle."

"Y/N, it's April."

"Santa is always watching."

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