Chapter Eight

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It wasn't hard to find the local witches. When I say “witch,” I am not talking about the Wiccans or Neo-Pagans. I am talking about the real deal. Those that have a magical gift, or power, whatever you want to call. These people can be beautiful inside and wield their gift with light, or they are darker than a moonless night and their power matches it. Magic can be some scary ass shit.

Shadowfire was the local good witch coven leader. He was beautiful, even his aura was a warm golden color. His hair was cropped short and bleached by the sun to a wheat color. His striking blue eyes managed to keep me on guard- it was more usual to find such striking beauty in those that tampered with the darker aspects of life. For some reason, the dark witches were just damn beautiful- must be something about evil being tempting.

“Thank you, Shadowfire, for agreeing to see me on such short notice.” I shook his hand, his grip was firm but his touch sent chills down my spine.

“Not a problem, Kat. We're always trying to help, especially those of kindred spirits.” His words caused me to blush, I hardly thought of myself as a witch.

“Thank you. I'm here because I'm assisting in the investigation of all the murders happening around the Valley. They've been traced to the paranormal world and I thought I should check in with you guys, maybe you heard something or have noticed something that seemed off.” I hoped something would come out of all this, the guy was making my skin crawl like a bowl of slugs.

“Off the top of my head I can't think of anything that could help you, but I'll bring this up to the coven. We've a full moon ritual tomorrow night. You're welcome to join us, Kat.” He smiled.

“Thanks for the invitation, but I can't, I have a dinner date.” It didn't matter that my date was the following night, there was something about Shadowfire that told me to be cautious and the way he said my name felt naughty.

“That's alright. Do you have a card or something, that way I can call you or pass around in case someone has something useful?” He asked innocently enough.

“Of course.” I pulled out several of my cards and handed them to him, a spark of energy shot up my arm- a kind of witchy self-defense.

“I'll match sure to let the group know that this is really important.” He put the cards in his shirt pocket.

“Well, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.” I seriously wanted to get out of there.

“As I said, no problem at all. Feel free to drop by any time.” He opened the door for me as I stood and rushed to get out of the occult shop he ran.

“Goodbye, Shadowfire.” I said as I shook his hand and left him and his strange energy behind.

I watched as he stood in the doorway just watching me drive away.

“That guy needs to learn some social norms... creepy.” I said as I glanced back one more time in my rearview.

My phone rang.

Please don't be Shadowfire. I thought.

“This is Kat.” I answered over my blue tooth.

“Agent Purrowells, this is Agent Black.” I knew his voice, it was the voice that changed my life.

“Hey Big Boy.” I called him by the nickname he hated- one I came up with on a recon in Georgia.

“Eh... You've been summoned.” He grumbled at me.

“Any hints to what this one is about?” I knew I was in trouble.

“Nothing I can tell you, Purrowells.” He said.

“You do know I have a first name, right? I'd use yours if someone would break and tell me it. I know it isn't really Samuel. And I know you enjoy this, Big Boy.” I felt annoyed.

“You are to go to the Warehouse Base. He wants you there this evening.” Click went the line.

“Nice talking to you too.” I disconnected.

“UGH! Why did I ever agree to all of this?” It was like constantly being sent to the damn Principal's office, there wasn't one trip that I wasn't in trouble for something or other.

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