Chapter Nineteen

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John went into the office to log some information and try to see if any of our contacts knew why someone wanted me dead. Andrew took a rain check on dinner. I wasn't in the mood for food.

“You are going to have to eat though, Kat.” Andrew said like a worried parent.

“Yes, Mom.” My voice was tense.

“I understand that you're worried, but I promise, no, I swear, I won't let anything happen to you.” He looked me in the eyes.

“That's really sweet and all, but you're not going to be with me every second of the day. You sleep and have vulnerable aspects. You all do.” John had made me the offer of coming to stay with him.

“Would you at least consider staying in one of the safe houses?” His voice was pleading.

“I'll think about it.” It wasn't true, I wasn't leaving my home. I would not run scared.

“Why do I feel like the dust swept under the rug?” He laughed.

“Because you're just that cool. Now, why did you have to drive again?” I wasn't keen on others driving my Jeep.

“Besides my stellar driving record? We couldn't get in to see her without a vampire behind the wheel. Selena has paid a tiny fortune to be able to keep her palace off limits.” He shook his head, his face a mask of disgust.

“You don't approve?”

“We, vampires, typically are not hard of funds. We are by our very nature wealthy. It just seems grossly wrong for a vampire to to flaunt. No, for anyone to flaunt their wealth. I think you'll understand better once you see the place.” Andrew stared at the road, but I felt like he was a million miles away.

Silence engulfed the car. We drove for an hour before he said that we were just about there. Not that I was sure I wanted to see it, let alone meet the crazy vampire Master behind it.

“Kat, when we pass the barrier, you might feel a little odd, but it will pass as soon as we get through.” Andrew said out of blue.

I looked around expectantly, but there was nothing there. Then my entire body suddenly felt like it was on fire and had been dropped into a bucket of ice at the same time.

“What the hell?” My jaw clinched.

“Almost through.” Andrew said calmly.

My ears suddenly popped and everything stopped.

“What the fuck was that?” I shook my body as if to get rid of any lingering feelings.

“It's the barrier. Most people would have just turned around. Most people would not have just driven into a wall.” He chuckled.

“A wall? I didn't see a wall.” Confusion colored my words.

“That's because you have me with you. It's a very complex barrier. I can only imagine what it would be like if the others in the car did not see the illusion for what it was. I'm sure there would be tons of wrecks- something Selena would not want drawing attention to her place. “ Andrew pulled up the drive and the house came into view.

“Oh, shit.” If you could imagine Buckingham Palace, but make it a gentle yellow shade, and not nearly as huge, then you'd have Selena's palace.

“I know.”

“Why?” I couldn't imagine that anyone needed that much space.

“Part of it is to house her pets, as they were. The other part can only be defined as vanity. She likes what she wants and she enjoys her wealth.” Andrew shrugged like it was the most logical thing ever.

“Are you like this?” I looked at him in a new light.

“I suppose I could be. But I try very hard not to be.” Andrew smiled.

Andrew pulled up to the men waiting to take the car. I noticed that there were snipers on the roof. I did not want to think about what would happen if we had shown up unannounced.

“Master Andrew, Mistress Selena is expecting you.” A tall lanky man wearing red greeted us.

“Thank you, Marcus.” He didn't introduce me or anything just got out of the car and walked over to my door.

“Who is he?” I asked as I got out.

“No one of importance. He is like a secretary, I suppose.” He dismissed the man.

“Is he a vampire?” I was very interested in him.


“Hello, Marcus. I'm Kat.” I held out my hand and slipped a card into his as I shook it.

“Nice to meet you, Kat.” His face never betrayed anything had happened between us.

“Kat, you'd make Selena wait and she's expecting us.” Andrew pulled me along.

“hmm, you've been a vampire too long.” I knew who I'd be tracking down later, but it would have to wait until I survived my meeting with the crazy Master vampire, Selena.

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