Chapter Forty

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My throat was raw when I woke up. My mouth tasted like someone had died in it. And all I wanted to do was crawl under the bed and hide.

Instead, I got up and rinsed off my face and mouth. I headed downstairs and found a woman cooking. A tinge of jealousy rushed through me.

“Good morning, Mistress Kat. The Master told me to tend to you. He also left you this note before he retired for his day slumber.” The woman said in a warm voice.

“Thanks.” I took the note from her.


Do not be jealous. Sophie has been with my house since I bought it. She is not a vampire, nor is she entirely human anymore. She was fed too much blood, but not turned. It has made her a little off and so she works for me. She cannot be part of the human world anymore. She will fix you breakfast and lunch. She also has access to all of my household funds. Have her call on Gus to bring the car for you. You two can go shopping. Get whatever you need. If you require weapons have Gus take you to the Uplanders' Depot. You are not a human as they know them. They will not question you. But please take Sophie and Gus with you. They are known in these places. There is a special drink for you in the fridge. Please have one now and one before sunset. Today will be long and hard on us both.

I love you, Kat.


I looked at the letter once more. I glanced at Sophie. She smiled at me.

“How did you get involved with them, Sophie?” I couldn't stop the question- she was just so pretty.

“I fell in love with one of the vampires that Andrew that recently changed. Love can make you do foolish things.” Her baby blue eyes were sad.

“I understand. Would you like to go shopping with me today?” I smiled at her.

“That sounds wonderful. But first, let's have some breakfast. The Master left you a potion in the fridge.” She looked knowingly at me.

I went to the fridge and pulled it open. A silver container sat on the top shelf with my name on it. I went to get a glass, but Sophie grabbed my arm.

“You will not want to pour it into something else.” Her voice was firm.

“Kay.” I gulped.

“The Master would never do anything to harm you, Mistress Kat. He wants you at his side forever. He's in love with you. The way a man loves a woman- not the way a vampire loves his prey.” I could see the sorrow behind her eyes.

“Thank you, Sophie.” I wasn't sure if I should warm it or what, I looked to her for advice.

“You can drink it as it is.” She smiled and went back to fixing breakfast, like we weren't talking about drinking what I was almost certain was in the container.

I sat down at the counter. The silver was cool in my hands. I stared down at it. Somehow, I felt like if I drank it, I was changing my future forever. I thought about what Boris had told me. I knew what I needed to do, but I was certain that things were going to change once I made that step. I twisted the cap and sniffed at it.

It smelled like chocolate. I sniffed again. I put it to my lips and took a small sip. Yum. My mouth watered. It was like drinking my favorite candy, a Galaxy bar, only better. I chugged back another mouthful. I drained it before I had even thought about what I was doing.

Sophie set a plate of waffles in front of me and handed me a napkin, she motioned to wiping my mouth. When I did, I realized that it came away red. I ran my finger along the inside of the vial. When I rubbed my fingers together, I was certain that I had just chugged back blood, but it hadn't tasted anything like it. I sat staring at my fingers, watching the blood dry.

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