Chapter Twenty-Six

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You know that feeling where your eyes feel like they've been sealed shut and you've personally been run over by a steamroller? No, you don't? You are one very lucky person.

When daylight was pouring to my window and my cellphone was shrieking in my ear, it was obvious that I was not going to get anymore sleep- good or bad.

“Hello?” I sounded groggy and out of sorts.

“Hi, Agent Purrowells. This is Agent Konkoers. I just made it back in and I was informed that my healing abilities were needed...” He let it hang in the air, giving me the option of filling in some of the blanks for him.

“Oh, hi. Yeah, I got into a tussle with a vampire last night. Needless to say, my ribs are a little sad.” I didn't even know where to begin with all the nonsense in my life.

“Do you mind coming in? I could have you fixed back up and out on the street in about an hour- depending on the extent of the injury, of course.” His voice help a crisp British accent.

“Ok, I'll head over in a just a few minutes.” The thought of the shower water hitting any part of me made me cringe.

“See you then.” He hung up.

“Ugh.” I clicked my phone off and rolled over, dragging a pillow on top of my head.

“What the fuck is wrong with the world?” I grumbled as I crawled out of my bed. Every bone in my body seemed to hurt and I was certain that I had aged about eighty years over night.

“Oh, shit. I hurt... ow, ow, ow.” Walking to the bathroom was a chore. The thought of getting out to my car sent shivers down my spine.

Once I had my hair and teeth brushed. I slipped on a big sweatshirt over yesterday's clothes and inched my way to the front door.

I instantly realized two things as soon as I opened my door. One, Andrew was sitting on the front step. Two, I hadn't looked at my clock and had just realized how freaking early it was.


“Good morning, Kat.” His voice was like velvet.

“Why are you sitting out here?” I couldn't handle much more.

“Well, one reason was to protect you while you slept. The other was to make sure you got to your healer quickly once he got in. I called to find out just when to expect him.” He smiled at me, his face full of honest adoration.

“Wow. Thanks. Did you sit out here all night?” I felt really bad.

“Yes. I was keeping away the bad things.” He offered me his arm.

“Hmm... like John?” I took it.

“No, you managed to get rid of him all by yourself.” He smiled.

“We need to talk about what you said last night, just not right now. Why did you let me walk into that ambush?” My thoughts swirled around me.

“I don't know what you are referring to.” He said innocently.

I wapped him with my hand, “right, I'm sure you don't.”

Andrew's arm felt safe around me as he helped me to my car in the predawn hours. He got me into the car with as little bumps as possible. The whole time I watched him. It was like I was a fragile doll to him, something so precious that if he breathed on me too hard I might shatter. How do you even react to that? I know that I am not, nor will I ever be, that kind of damsel in distress.

“Andrew, after my appointment, when will I see you again?” I kept my voice neutral.

“After I get you to the base, I'll go retire for the day. When dusk comes, I believe, would be the soonest that I would be able to come to you.” It was a moment when his language had fallen back into older times.

“Would you have dinner with me tonight?” I smiled at him and batted my lashes.

“Sounds interesting.” He snorted with laughter.

The car came to a stop and realized that I had spent the entire ride lost in my thoughts about him and trying to figure out what to do.

“That was a short ride.” I said as I unfastened my seat belt.

“Let me help you.” His cool fingers laced through mine.


He kissed my knuckles before he let my hand go. My cheeks turned a beautiful shade of red.

The door opened and the cool air danced across my face. He leaned in and helped me get out of the car. A gentle kiss was his parting gift because when I turned, my keys were tucked in my pocket and he was gone.

I stood outside, taking in the world around me. I watched the sun rise. Awe inspiring shades of red, orange, pink, and purple streaked the sky. Turning the world into an exotic realm of magic and fire. My gift stirred inside me and for once, I welcomed it.

Things were changing.

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