Chapter Twenty-One

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Andrew pulled the car over at a little park. The air was cool. My mind still felt a little blurry.

“Okay, now tell me what the hell happened in there.” I demanded as I got out of the car, I had to move.

“Well, you, my dear Kat, were mesmerized.” He said point blank.

“Excuse me?” I knew that I was basically immune to such things.

“Let me explain.” He gestured to the red stone picnic table.

I went and sat on the table top.

“You have been trained to protect yourself from such things. As a witch you have a natural defense as well. This means that it is almost impossible to effect your thoughts. The key word is almost. You just met a true Master vampire. In relation to Selena, I'm a babybat. She could crack your mind open and leave you in a state of a drooling mess.” His words sent ice into my veins.

“And you let me walk in their so completely unprepared?” I was suddenly pissed.

“Kat, if I had told you, you would have tried to fight it. She would've gotten what she wanted either way. I can't kill her. I would've died trying to protect you.” His eyes pleaded with me to understand.

“You'd do that?” My anger deflated like a balloon.


“Why?” I could imagine why he would risk his own life for me.

“I told you before, there is just something about you. I may not have been matched to you on a cellular level like John, but I know what my soul tells me. You don't live this long without listening to yourself.” He shrugged.

“Andrew... I...” My phone chose that moment to go off in a shrill scream.


“I have to take it. It's work. The emergency line.” I let out a sigh.

“Agent Purrowells.” I answered.

“Purrowells, we've had another murder. Get to Citywalk now, while the scene is still fresh.” Harkins told me before he hung up.

Andrew handed me the keys and went to get in the car.

“Dammit,” I said under my breath, “ look, we aren't done with this conversation. I feel like whatever is going on with you and me, and John is the big fucking elephant in the room.” I climbed into my Jeep and thought about how I was stuck putting my life on hold for work, again.

“Don't worry about it, Kat. Not everything can be dealt with. Some things just need time to work themselves out.” He smiled at me.

“Yeah, right. Who the hell believes that crap?” I pulled back into traffic and headed toward Citywalk- home of Universal Studios, Hollywood. It was one of the first places I ever worked.

“When you've lived as long as I have, you come to realize that it's true.”

“Yeah, but only because most of your problems have the ability to die of old age. You outlive your problems! I don't have eternity to deal with things.” I retorted.

“Eternity can be a very lonely path to take. It's one of those things that aren't in the brochure when you sign up for it.” His eyes darkened.

“Yeah and what about Selena? Why didn't you tell me she's was your maker? Wouldn't that have been an important little detail?” My tires squealed as I took a turn too quickly.

“I may be immortal, Kat, but I would like to spend whatever time you have on this Earth without you in a wheelchair or in the ground. I already must visit so many graves.” His face was stony.

“I know to drive.” My jaw clinched shut, stopping anything mean that might have come shooting out.

“So where are we headed?” He finally asked.

“Citywalk. There's been another murder.”

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