Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I had absolutely no idea that sorting through old reports and organizing all the crap that was supposed to be in my desk would take so long. But it did!

There was a gentle knock at the office door as I was shoving yet another file into the shredder.

“Come in.” I shouted.

“Kat?” Andrew's voice proceeded his beautiful body.

“Hey, wow, I lost track of the day.” I hadn't even stopped to eat.

“You're pale.” His quick movements reminded me of a panther in the jungle.

“Yeah, I forgot to eat.” I laughed.

“Hmm, well, let's get you something to eat. We're to meet Jaz tonight. I don't think that she would find it in good form if you fainted while in her presence.”

“Kay.” The thought of arguing was too much.

“You smell off, Kat. What happened today?” Andrew's eye held a tint of red to them.

“We can talk about it all later. Let's get me fed and then get ready to meet with Jaz. What am I supposed to wear?” I looked down at my recycled clothes.

“Not that.” He laughed.

We left my office, the thought of all the files I still had to go through made me cringe, but I ignored them. Andrew drove, something that I was strangely comfortable with. I hated to let anyone drive my Jeep. It was my dream car, my baby.

I made him drive deeper into the Valley just so I could get some sushi from my favorite place, Crazy Tokyo Sushi and a bean and cheese burrito from my other favorite place, El Chavo. I mean, if I was going to be eating anyways, might as well be what I loved, right? I stuffed the California rolls into my mouth as we drove. I had seriously missed them while I was in Georgia, they just don't do them right out there.

“So what do I need to know about Jaz and the trolls?” The thought of trolls and goblins being real really freaked me out.

“She is their queen, but she's more down to Earth. In all my years, she is the only queen I have ever met that doesn't deal with all of the royalty nonsense. She's in it for her people. Her people adore her because she doesn't try to pull the wool over their eyes about things. She honest and not afraid to make the tough choices. I think you'll like her.” Andrew pulled the car up to my house.

I gathered up all my foodstuffs and got out of the car. He looked a little annoyed that I hadn't waited for him to open the door.

“Chivalry is great and all, but we're in a hurry.” I dismissed it.

“Yes, I think you will like her.” He laughed.

I walked straight into my room and sat on the bed. Andrew lingered in the bedroom doorway.

“Oh, come on. Get in here and help me pick out something to wear.” I rolled my eyes as I bit into the burrito.

“Sushi and burritos? Isn't that an odd combination?” He eyes my cheesy deliciousness with suspicion.

“I suppose it might be, but it's just so damn good, I don't care.” I bit into it again.

“You aren't going to be sick from it?”

“Are you worried I might upchuck on the Queen of the trolls?” I snorted.

“Actually, yes.” Andrew said matter-of-fact.

“Don't worry, I used to eat pickles and dip them in chocolate pudding. I can handle a little bit of sushi and a burrito.” I laughed at the disgust on his face.

“Eh, yeah. So you'll want to wear pants.” He turned to my clothes.

“Why pants?”

“Where we need to meet her, it is not the kind of place to wear a skirt. Not unless you'd like me to carry you the entire way, which I would be honored to do.” He looked hopeful.

“So pants it is. Can you go to the far right and pull out a pair of my black suit bottoms?” I gestured to that side of the closet.

“Do you have any tall boots? Like riding ones?”

“Yes, why?” His question caught me off guard.

“You'll want to wear them.”

“Are you going to tell me where we're going or just add suggestions to my outfit? Don't pull out my suit pants. I got this.” I stuffed the rest of the burrito into my mouth, there was no point in trying to hide my gracious eating habits from him if he was really interested in me.

He stood back and watched me. I stepped into my closet and pulled out some black tight pants, black riding boots. I got stuck on the top. I couldn't just wear one of my combat outfits, which some of this stuff was a part of, but I obviously wasn't going into an office either. I pulled out a nice black sweater and my black leather motorcycle jacket.

“Will this do?” I held up the items.

“Yes.” His eyes smoldered at me.

“Oh, no. Don't even look at me like that. We've got things to do, Andrew.” I blushed fiercely.

“You are such a beautiful woman, Kat. The night I met you, you were so vibrant. Every second that I spend with you, I see the many different sides of you. You are like a prism making the world sparkle with the light that radiates from you.” He walked toward.

I didn't know what to say. No one had ever said anything like that to me before.

His hands were soft on my face as he gently cupped my chin, “you are beautiful and amazing.” His lips were like the wings of a butterfly softly caressing my lips.

Whereas the night I had met him, everything was like a force of nature crashing down, that one kiss rocked my soul. He had shown that he had a gentle side as well as his sexy one.

“Andrew...” I suddenly wanted to tell him about John, about my fears of being a vampire, about how forever sounded like the best idea ever as long as I could spend it with him.

“Not now, Kat. Dress. I'll wait for you in the living room.” He walked out and closed the door.

“Dammit.” The word was only a whisper but it held all my frustrations.

I slipped out of my clothes, and went to shower.

Once I was dressed and put together, I walked out to the living room.

“You look perfect.” He smiled at me.

“Thank you. Now, let's get this over with because I need to talk you.” I stood with my hands on my hips in all my glory.

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