Chapter Thirty-Five

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As soon as the sun set, Andrew was awake. His internal clock let him know what was going on. I just felt jilted for having my warm safe place stolen.

“I must feed, Kat.” His eyes held a slight reddish glow.

“Kay. I want to go home and get a shower in.” I felt grimy.

“Tonight, you are to meet with Boris. He will expect you to be fancied up. None of his meetings are the kind of thing that one wears street clothes to.” He said as he helped me off the cot.

“Wonderful.” I hated to get dressed up to just meet someone.

“It is necessary, Kat.” He kissed my cheek gently.

“Yeah, I know.” I slipped out of the room and up the elevator before he had even left the room.

That was about the time when I realized I didn't have a ride home. I hadn't brought myself in, no I would have to take the bus or something. Ugh!

“Kat!” I heard John shout from behind me as I headed to the exit.

“Hey, John. Wanna give me a ride home?” I smiled hopefully at him.

“Yeah, sure. What did you wanna talk about?” He held the door for me.

“Let's wait til we get in the car.” I walked over to his four door sedan.

“Not your type of car, Purrowells.” He laughed.

“When you don't have a ride, any type of car is your type.” I shrugged.

“I suppose that's true.” He unlocked the passenger side and held it for me.

I got in.

“So, what's on your mind?” He revved the engine.

“What do you know about all of our bloodlines?” I tried to keep calm.

“More than most.”

I launched into the information I had discovered. I wasn't positive that Harkins was the bad guy, but I felt that there was something wrong going on at P.N.I.

“Kat, most of the staff has a connection to those original bloodlines. They are the strongest. I mean even the interns have it.” He shrugged off my concern.

But something he said tickled my thoughts.

“John, is it common knowledge where our office is?” I didn't believe it was that easy.

“Nah. Harkins has it listed as the offices of some execs. None of the agents offices are listed for anyone other than the agents. Why?” He was pulling off the freeway as he asked.

“Holy shit!” He slammed on the breaks and I slapped the dash.

“What is it, Kat?” John was scowling at the sudden traffic on the off ramp.

I felt the air tingle with a crackle. Something was not right. We had to get out of the car, now.

“John, trust me, get out of the car... right now.” I was trying to be calm as I buckled.

“What?” He looked at me shocked.

“Trust me.” My hand was on the door.

“Okay.” He undid his belt and popped open his door.

I jumped from the car and ran to his side. I pulled him against the bank of the off ramp just as the car exploded!

The world went hot, then dark. My ears rang like I was in a war zone.

Dead to BitesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz