Chapter Thirty-Four

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My room was very bright. Too bright for a vampire comfortably be in. I cracked an eye.

Andrew? I figured I might as well check to see if I dreamed all of that.

Kat. His answer was tired.

Where are you? I tried not to panic.

I am sleeping in the basement. Your doctor came in a few hours ago and relived me of my position so I maybe retire to a more secure area. I could feel his appreciation to Agent Konkoers.

Kay. I was worried when I woke up and you weren't there. I sat up and Agent Konkoers sat near the foot of my bed, reading over paperwork.

“Good morning, Agent Purrowells. I trust you slept well. How are you feeling?” He smiled at me.

“I'm okay. Thank you for sending Andrew downstairs.” I looked at him, I swear I could see some sort of shift happen in his skin.

“Not a problem. I am a morning person, and he is not.” His eyes looked almost cat-like.

“Um, Agent Konkoers?” I wasn't sure what was going on.

“Yes?” He sipped his coffee.

“Are you a shifter?” I had never looked up his file.

“Yes, the entire healing team that I work with are shifters. Although, I believe I am the only cat shifter on staff at the moment. Why do you ask?” He tilted his head and all I could see was cat.

“Because you are either channeling your cat side or there is something different about me this morning.” I rubbed my face.

“I believe that it is another side effect of the vampire blood. You see, vampires can see us. They can see many different paranormal creatures. This is often why they do business with all of the supes, not just their own kind. Their heightened senses allow them to see things that most do not... they use all of their senses.” He smiled at me and I could see his small cat fangs.

“Wow. I've been blind.” I felt like I had been socked in the head.

“Not at all. Those of us that try to hide who we are, have had many years working on it. The fact that you can see through mine now, lets me know two things. One, Andrew is a very powerful vampire, and two, his blood is very old. This is something that I hadn't completely factored into the transfusion. It won't present a problem, but you'll be closer to the vampire line than you were before. I mean, you weren't anywhere near it previously. But once someone has the blood in them, it makes them have more vampiric abilities. You will have more.” He was flustered.

“So I am basically a vampire without being a vampire?” The possibilities seemed endless.

“I'd have to do some tests, but I believe that, basically, yes. You are still human, but by allowing us to transfuse Andrew's blood into your body... it has created a change in your genetic coding. I had expected some minor changes, but nothing like this. It's quite fascinating.” He quickly jotted down notes.

“Great, so now I get to be a lab rat too?” The thought of being poked did not make me happy.

“Agent Purrowells, I would never ask you to under go testing without your full consent. The testing would only be to your benefit. It would allow us to see the depth of the vampire influence in your system.” He shrugged like it was no skin off his teeth.

“I understand. Will Andrew be safe in the basement?” I knew that they were after us.

“He has a guard, but you are welcome to head down there.” His eyes twinkled with a certain level of mischief.

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