Chapter Fifteen

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“Excuse me, Sir?” I knocked gently on Harkins door.

“Yes, Kat, come in.” He called from behind his desk.

“Sir, I've some concerns.” I decided I should talk to my boss before I reported him to the people above him.

“Please come in and sit down.” He gestured to the chair on the other side of his desk.

“Thank you for seeing me. It's just that there are some concerns about Andrew being involved with the security of our location and yesterday there was a confrontation with him.” I knew that I had to keep the kiss out of it.

“What kind of confrontation? We'll discuss the security issue after you've told me what's going on.” His brows pulled together.

“Well, Agent Black and I had taken a drive to Santa Monica. I wanted to get to know my partner better. We were sitting and talking on the beach and we were literally blown apart by what I would call lightning. After that, Andrew seemed pretty intent on beating John for being anywhere near me. I was forced to freeze his movements. John asked me to undo it before we left, which I did. But as we were leaving, Andrew continued to argue with us. I'm concerned that he's taken a liking to me that might create complications to our investigations. I'm also worried that he will hurt Black for being my partner.” It all came tumbling out of my mouth.

“Well, it does sound like Andrew has taken a liking to you, Kat. Unfortunately, we do require his assistance at the moment. I realize that you may not be interested in his attentions but we need you to make sure that he stays happy. His help could be the thing that allows us to catch these sick fucks.” Harkins' words were cold and sat in my stomach like a rock.

“Sir, what about Agent Black?” I didn't want anything to happen to John because I was being forced into playing house with Andrew.

“I'll come up with a solution. Black has been with us for a while. He is a good agent. You two make excellent partners and now that it seems like you've finally become interested in learning about him, I think you'll go far. But I need this case solved.” He stroked his chin.

I could feel the dread building in me.


“Maybe I could temporarily assign him to a different case. Maybe put him on data detail until we've got this case cracked.” Harkins continued.

“You would separate me from my partner just to appease a vampire?” Confusion and anger colored my words.

“I'm sorry if it sounds like a terrible thing, Kat. But we need to solve this case.” His words were like a shrug.

“Not if it means that we are compromising our mission. Not if it means that you would alter what works for us. I don't think that you're thinking clear, Sir. What about our security?” I knew I had to remain calm.

“Our security is fine. We used some of his suggestions, but everything has been altered. We needed insider information.” He dismissed it.

“Sir, we have in-house vampires. Ones that are not current suspects in our investigations. I do not understand how using anything Andrew suggests is a good idea.” The control I had on my emotions was starting to crack.

“Well, Agent Purrowells, that is why I am in charge of this. If there is nothing else, I will get back to work.” He was dismissing me.

“No, Sir.” I got up, I tried very hard not to knock the chair down.

“Have a nice evening, Agent Purrowells.” He turned back to his computer.

“You too, Sir.” I decided it was time to contact the higher ups.

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